Dec 22, 2001 18:34
So i said i wouldn't ever update this again. I lied. Deadjournal seems to not be all its cracked up to be seeing as its been down for the past week. some people.
I really just want this holiday season to be over. i really really do. nothing is working out right. it really really sucks. i'm working nearly 40 hours a week at AJ's on Lincoln which only sucks cause i rented the camera (my x-mas present from my dad) during a good majority of this time meaning i'm not going to get my money's worth by any means. fuck me. its not like i was looking forward to this for a month and thinking of it ever hour up until then.
my dad forgot to pay my ticket for the accident as as result my license is currently suppended and i need to get it reinstated this mon. wonderful. its not like i need to get anywhere with my camera. :P
my christmas present for evan didn't work out cause his dad just bought him the same thing today as a see-i'm-a-good-dad-after-all present.
all in all i hate the holidays and i see them simply as a hiderance to my photo taking. i really don't ever have any positive memories of christmas but once again, so fucking what. its ok. i'll get by. i always do. i just wish life would get creative for once and stop following the same fucking patterns.
SIDE NOTE: to all my close friends who are worried about me, I'M NOT GOING TO KILL MYSELF GOD DAMN IT! get over it, i'm fine. Jezus.