Oct 08, 2002 13:38
Perhaps i should clarify, because i'm not going to retract what i said, because then i would be an insistive people-hating cock that can't stand up for his own oppinions, no matter how out there they are.
1) i am probably a little less sensitive to what most people, say, think, feel, feel, and smell (i'm very sensitive to how they taste), but thats not nessarily "wrong" or "bad" because i'm not like most everyone else. on an object scale, i'm probably more understanding than a good amount of people
2) i don't hate anyone (save steven pomeroy, but thats just because everyone needs a mortal enemy, like batman and the joker, professor x and magneto, bill clinton and bod dole). I am often baffled by how they act or don't act, but that doesn't mean i don't like them. there are very few people who i geniunly dislike. if it was really just that simple i would have left my mom before junior year started, and we all know i really really don't care for her, but i lived with her for two years for one reasn: because my discomfort of living with her would be out wieghed by the grief my mom would have if i were to not live with her. her happiness was more important than mine, and i make decisions like that everyday. see? i'm not an asshole.
3) this post in not directed at maria ;)
4) i understand that i am judging these people according to my standards, but if you think about it in a boarder spectrum, we judge and assess EVERYTHING we come in contact with according to either our own standards or others. we are raised from childhood to categorize things as either good or bad, and whenever we run into anything (a tv show, a stapler, an oppinion) we immediately put it into one of those categories. if you think you don't, you're lying to yourself. so which is better- being an individual or being another clog in the machine of the masses?
5) my spelling sucks
6) that post, this post and in fact most of my posts are written when i am in state of excitation which i cannot alieviate in any other way other than posting. I genuinely don't feel like this 24 hours a day...usually only when i post. I'm not going to talk to anyone about it because i don't like dealing with the backlash, so it's easier to vent by forming the ideas in my head, translating them into language (which is a horrible way to communicate anyway) and then having that put down onto a keyboard, so most of the time, what you read and what i meant to say is not at all comparable. if no one ever read this journal, i would not care.
7)flagstaff makes my skin chapped and i don't like it, but i'm not going to use a girly moisturizer 'cause they smell funny
8) lizzy's hitler bunny is hilarious