On a dark and rainy night

May 25, 2008 01:43

Is it wrong to laugh at piss, soaked and smartly dressed students staggering home in the dark? Surely not as they are making soo much noise!

I'm sorry, though I admit it might be fun, paying over £45 for an everning that you can quiet easily hear at home is wrong!  At the preseent moment I can hear the lovely Vengaboys yelling out their songs. Aww the memories. Trying REAL hard not to sing along. 'The Venga bus is jumping.....' Sorry where was I again..yes.

Wandered over there before the rain kicked in to see where the hell the noise was coming from. Even though are halfway acrossed the campus, windows tightly shut it sounds like they are only in the car park. Oh joy the pissed up girls screetching appear to just start then. This is beccoming an everning of wills, trying to stay awake long enough for the music to die down and to adviode a might night wake up call from the lovely people making their way home. See it;s not that mean to laugh at the guys and girls in the rain.

Oh don't get me started on plastic spoons. Why the hell don't they seem to want to actually pick things up. I swear its a conspiracy. The Eurovision, pah didn't get all the way through the results. Even though it was fun hanging out with mates, soo predictable. No way worth missing Dr. Who for.

Sooo tired...but no must..try... to....stay...awake! Then again might give it another half hour and try and grab some shut eye. Even if the dam after part y doesn't finished at the lovely night club a few hundred yards down the road, till 6am. So much for a noise ban. I swear they should charge everyone at that dam thing an extra £50.

Honestly I'm not bitter. The rain just proves it was a good thing to save the pennys. Must rather go to another convention. 
Ohhh....another good song, 'Never Forget'. Reminds me I must work on another music video.

Why oh why are drunks soo fucking noisey and annoying. I swear when I take over drunks are all going to be gagged and my address will be tattooed across thier bodies along with 'I am not your fucking mate! Stop fucking knocking on my door in the early hours'.

On a lighter note. Had a fun day with Mum and little Rhianna.

'fucking horrible...theres a big puddle'
'I'm going in all the puddles!'

Gotta love Drunk converstations. Serves me right I suppose for saying how I was gutted for missing out on the drunk Queens having a yelling match outside. Okies, sounds like there are two parties going on how Mixture of base and Take That. Great combination, tastes well on the pallet.

Anyway, fun in town today. Nice and hot.

Cool Robbie Williams and 'Angles' kinda mean sticking that next to Take That considering their history lol.

Okies back on today, also got some e-mails through from one of the Xena crew memebers I met at the converntion which was awsome. Soo sweet. Made my day even better. Caught up with Mum, got my mail. Had a laugh.

Better stop acutally, ramberling away here. Just trying to stay awake. Sooo bad!

summer ball day out eurovision noise ran

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