It's a Good Day to be a Malaysian

Mar 10, 2008 02:08

As much as Malaysians want to be proud of the country, there are time we just can't be. Many Malaysians are patriotic, they love their country - but it's usually the Government which brings them down (it can be the same for other countries, but due to our short half-century of independence, we lack a deep culture, and so much depends on the Government).
So it's a good day when Malaysians woke up to a new change in the recent 12th General Elections held on 8th March 2008. The nearly 50-year domination by the National Front (Barisan Nasional) party was rocked when the 3 major races of Malays, Chinese, and Indians left and joined rival parties PAS, DAP, and PKR. As a result, 5 states were lost by the ruling party, including the Federal Territory and Capital, Kuala Lumpur.
Perhaps most welcomed was the news that the dominant party lost 2/3rds of the Parliament, thereby securing the Malaysian Constitution from ever being changed again without the opposition agreeing. For the first time since Independence, Malaysians have risen up and spoken in One Voice.
Malaysians were not afraid of voting for people who may not be able to govern well - they were willing to take that risk for the sake of their country. That's sacrifice.
All fears of the racial riots of 13th May 1969 happening again with the overthrowing of the Government were wiped out when their own race deserted them to unite with other races under opposing parties. It is a day to remember. It will go down the annals of this country's history as the first major showcase of unity and a desire to bring about a true democratic and just Government by the People and for the People. It's a model that the races of this nation love their country and they won't let anyone tell them otherwise how their country should be run, not even the Government.
It is good to see when the people themselves rise to stake their own claim over their country. When the Government themselves can be shocked by the people. To see people having more power than the Government, and the Government accepts the choice of the people. It's awe-inspiring.
Today, I'm proud to be a Malaysian.
Today, I'm proud I didn't leave this country for another.
Today, I'm proud I stuck to this country, believing it's possible to turn it around.
Today, I'm proud my fellow Malaysians took the power of voting that's their Constitutional birthright, and used it against their Government.
Today, I'm proud to stay in this country and watch it rise to power by the people, who are committed to revive this country into something more.
If you have voted, thank for you exercising your given right and showing what power every single Malaysian has in their hands. It's your country.
For decades, our parents and their parents could only watch as the country fell. But today, their world is shaken as they see the power of youth rising to claim their very own country for themselves - and the generations to come. Fight for your country. You were born here. This is your land.
Miracles happen. You cannot fool the public forever. The Internet is there. Educate yourself. Seek the Truth. Know your rights. Demand justice.
Take this country and make it the nation you want it to be. We are very fortunate we are not burdened with centuries of cultures that can't be changed. We're a young nation. We have the chance to shape our future. The power is now in the hands of the people. Show the world what Malaysians can truly do. We have the advantage of a multi-racial nation which can pit the best of each other to create something unique. Use it.
To all those who wouldn't believe this day will ever come - Believe it. It's here. It's real. What will happen at the 13th election in 2012/2013?
Perhaps all that we wish dearly of our country will come true that day. Today has given us hope. Malaysians have no reasons to be doubtful anymore.
Negaraku. Your Country. Your Nation. Your Land. It Belongs to the People. It belongs to You.
If you couldn't vote this time, please, register to vote in the 13th election. I know I will. Will you? YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Today's change would not have been possible if Malaysians gave up. If today has shown anything, is that anything is possible if people just put their minds to it. If you can't vote, then pray for those who can. We have the power to change things if we only exercise what's given to us.
Malaysian flag pix credit goes to Eric Teoh (
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