i need to go to the beach more
[Name]: MoNi D aKa gAnGsTa aSS biTcH lol it says that in one of the girls bathroom stalls
[Height]: 5'3"
[Weight]: 110
[Name Thats On Birth Certificate]: Monica Lin Deaner
[BDay]: Dec 22nd
[Best Friends]: Sarah Heather Caroline Collin Chris Ben you know how we roll
[Do You Drink]: sometimes
[Smoke]: sometimes
[Drugs]: no
[Music Preference]: reggae and emo
[Cell Phone]: sony ericsson camera phone...<3
[In The Morning I Am]: tired and bitchy... or awake and talkative =/
[Love Is]: stupid. just kidding.
[I Dream About]: people doing wierd shit, like me and random girls having sex and jumping off cliffs and stuff
-W I T H. T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[What Do You Notice First?]: eyes
[Last Person You Slow Danced With]: zach
-W H O-
[Do you have a crush on?]: hehe nunya
[Easiest To Talk To]: my momma
-H A V E. Y O U. E V E R-
[Fallen For Your Best Friend]: nope
-W H O. W A S. T H E. L A S T. P E R S O N-
[You Talked To On The Phone]: sarah<3
[Hugged]: keith
[Last Person You Instant Messaged]: jimmy hughs
[You Laughed With]: mike
-D O. Y O U / / A R E. Y O U-
[Could You Live Without the Computer?]: yeah
[What's Your Favorite Food?]: chocolate
[What’s Your Favorite Fruit?]: GRAPEFRUIT
[What Hurts The Most? Physical Pain or Emotional Pain?]: emotional
[Trust Others Way Too Easily?]: yeah
-N U M B E R-
[Of Times I Have Had My Heart Broken? ]: 1
[Of Hearts I Have Broken?]: none
[Of Boys I Have Kissed?]: 12
[Of Tight Friends?]: around 5
[Of CD's That I Own?]: a lot
[Of Scars On My Body?]: a lot
[Of Things In My Past That I Regret?]: 1
[I Know]: how to play the drums REALLY FRICKEN GOOD lol not
[I Wish]: i didnt have to work tonight
[I Hate]: stupid chicks
[I miss]: everyone from gardens