So she says to me..

Mar 31, 2005 14:15

I woke up this morning and decided to go to the show instead of the movies=]. I got into a huge fight with my dad because of getting driven around by teenagers and boys, how the hell did he know you ask? Grace is a fucking spy. I ended up going to the show with Heather and Emily and meeting Melissa there. We got up there then Melody and Angie came and left. Then Joe came, then Derek and his brother, then Gabby, Lauren, and Saxon. Kristin and Briana came eventually. Oh and Paige, Cedes, Amber and Montana were there too=]. Paiges mom was mad because Paige and I hugged and her mom HATES me. The first band was playing and then we went outside onto the playground untill Idols Die Young was playing. We watched them and whatnot then went back outside.

While outside we decided to go to the House of Joe. So Briana, Melissa, Emily, HEather and I hopped in Heathers car. Gabby, Lauren and Saxon went with Lauren, Chelsea followed, and so did Kristin and Joe. At the house of Joe like half the show was there, apparently it's the hot spot. Valerie came,and around 11 Joe took me and Melissa to my house=]. I fell asleep around like 3 and woke up @ 10 because Melissa's mom was here for her.

Today we didn't go to Olive Garden and I feel bad because Raimar can't come over or anything. But tonight Melissa and I are going to the movies with Cedes, Montana, Paige, and them, well meeting them couincidentaly or whateva.

I honestly need something to do tomorrow and someone to come over after church on saturday.=]
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