(no subject)

May 06, 2006 10:53

It can be reliably calculated that in 3 weeks from now my summer term is, for me, over. Which, qu frankly, is weird.

Being back is... much the same as ever, less exciting and active as before, as everybody gets a peculiar kind of 'work ethic' and starts frantically reciting latin or some such rubbish (course dependent). Am currently happy after getting 85% in my most recent lab book :D *happyhappy*. Amy the silent roommate has a boyfriend! aka Richard the German, cue much entertainment and gossip (particularly as I've started finding fishnet stockings rather than socks creeping over the floor. Most unheard of. :-o.

I have an interview for a summer job with Eurocamp on Tuesday, which would be vair groovy as a summer job! 2 or 3 months on a campsite on the continent, surrounded by BBQs, beaches etcetc... howver that also translates into 2 or 3 months in an unknown country with people that I don't know. I fear t'would also put additional pressure on Tim and I, if we can't see each other in the holidays either :s. Hey ho :(. Will not fret until I discover whether I actually get the job!

The weather is 'parfait monsieur', and frisbee, cricket and tennis are in full swing :D summer's is amazing!!! woot!!

Now all I have to do is do well in my exams...
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