Silly Salem

Jan 14, 2007 11:58

So me and Laura went to Salem the other day.  It was rainy and gross out but it was perfect witch weather.  We went to a psychic and to some of the witch tours and the wax museum.  It was fun.  Psychics amuse me.  It is funny some of the things they think or say.  Apparently I am going to study anthropology and possibly get pregnant with a soulless child within the year.  Not exactly what I was thinking of when it came to this year being better then others.  It was pretty amusing and now I have that tape to add to my other one that was completely wrong as well.  At least this woman started off saying that there is still free will so things aren't always going to happen that she sees.  The possibility is there though.  It was fun though and it was funny too because when I got home I looked up courses for Anthropology just to check it out because you never know and I honestly couldn't get past some of the descriptions my mind was drifting elsewhere already so I can't imagine trying to major in that.  Not that I was really planning on going back to school at all either.   I really want to go back to Salem again though I love that place.  It was also fun to work over past memories with Laura we had both been there with other people and were able to cleanse certain places because we were there together which was good for both of us.

So next time I think we are going to find another crazy psychic and see what they say about our futures just because it is pretty entertaining how they act like they totally believe what they are saying and that they know something I don't know and I will see soon enough.  I did laugh way too much at this lady to her face but she acted as if she knew better then me so I guess we shall see if she was right at all.  I am not putting any money on any of the things she had said.  I really don't believe in that stuff any longer...I used to kind of or wish that it was possible but I know better now.

Lily had her operation and she is getting better now.  She has been sleeping a lot which is understandable...she also hurt her eye while she was there some how and it is all red and I have to put drops in her eye every 8 hours.  But other then that she is getting better and I am glad she is home.  That one night away from hurt bothered me a lot more then I thought it would.  Not that I didn't think I was going to miss her but the love I feel for that dog is so strong in such a short time she is my new best friend and I confide a lot into her little puppy ears even if she has no idea what i am saying it helps.  Anywho I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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