Oct 17, 2006 12:17
So I was thinking yesterday on my walk to the train from work how honestly I think it would be pretty cool if the world was over run by Zombies. I was thinking about how I could handle myself I think pretty well and also It would make life less boring...plus there were people on the street while I was walking that I wish I had an excuse to shoot them in the head. I am sure it is all the book World War Z's fault but hey what can you do. It was a good book and I do enjoy Zombie movies and I did read the Zombie survival guide. I also was thinking yesterday about maybe asking my brother to take me to the shooting range with him you know just in case so I know how to fire a gun :-). But sometimes on my commute I really do wish I could shoot some people like I hate when people walk slow and take up the whole walk way. I sadly walk the way I drive when I have someplace to be so people in my way annoy the heck out of me when I am walking fast to the train. Also when I am on the red line sometimes it reminds me of shaun of the dead when he is on the bus and people are sick around him and who knew they had the zombie virus.
Sometimes I wonder about life and it's meaning and why we do the things that we do and what does the future hold and are we all really just wasting our lives for the all mighty dollar that we can't even take with us...how much better would it be that you know you are fighting for the human race against the living dead and being able to shoot people in the head without getting arrested :-).
Anywho enough about that silly idea...but if it does happen no one blame me ok. Back to work.