May 12, 2006 12:03
Ya so I just upgraded my LJ so now I have ads and I can have more pics and what not and it was free. I don't really know why I did it considering hardly anyone I know uses LJ anymore they have all changed to myspace which kind of stinks because I miss just logging on and going to one page to see what people are up to now if I want to check out if people have added to their blog I have to check their page first and to do that with everyone and realize that only a few post updates kind of blows. But enough about that crap.
I am really tired and this rain has totally bled into my soul right now. I have come to realize that I hate all the means to the end for pretty much everything in my life right now. I hate my commute with a passion now but I love my job. I got on a train today that smelled like day old fish and if anyone out there knows me they know I hate fish anyway let alone a whole train car that smells like fish for the 45mins-50mins that I spend on the train it was worse then the dirty guy eating an onion whole next to me and the woman that had her garbage in a bag next to me on the train that was nasty. At least those crazy people got off the train at some point before my stop the smell of fish was the whole way to Harvard Square. I figure all I have to do now is see someone get shot on the train or piss on the seat next to me and I will have seen everything and smelt everything and my train experience quota will be filled and I get stop taking the train.
I hate commuting to RI but I love spending time with Karl. I am getting so sick of getting stuck in traffic I get it every morning before the train and every night after work and then I get another half hour of it if I am lucky and no one has been pulled over and their has been no accidents the every other weekend I head down to RI. The weekends are just feeling way too short and I would just prefer being down there all the time.
I am sick of being stuck at home because I am trying to save money and pay down some of my debt but I know if I move out now I will not be able to be moved out long before it all goes to hell in a hand basket with all the money I owe. I know sooner or later I will be in a better place and able to move out and be on my own but for right now it sucks balls still living at home.
I hate walking in the rain. I hate it because I have glasses and I don't know what is worse walking without glasses and everything being blurry or wearing my glasses and having a thin mist on them of water and everything being blurry.
Yes this was a total bitch post the first one in a while but what can I say I have been in a mood all week. I think everything is just getting to me because of the weather and I actually have to be out in it and the fact that I have no computer at home right now and I hate everything on TV right now too.
Luckily though I have Richard Cheese to amuse me right now at work so I don't have to pull out one of the antique hunting guns that they have locked up a few feet away from me and start taking out people on the street like in grand theft auto. There is seriously nothing better to lift your spirits when you are in a funk then Richard Cheese...well maybe Dane Cook too I will have to listen to him after Richard.