run 6 miles
After tonights run I just realized how much work I have ahead of me. Remember the run is about 5 weeks from now and I have to shave off about two minutes off each mile to get my time. If I don't get injured I know I can finish with a respectable time, I usually do. But man would it be great to run sub 6.5 minute miles. I know I've never done it before, cuz I don't take training very seriously. Oh well 5 weeks. I will try.
get Camcorder from Best Buy
Sony DCR-PC109 Mini DV (DCRPC109)
Oh well work is its normal BLAH! I've passed my being sick of it/ready to quit mode simply because it does pay the bills and then some.
finish Cingular classes
I just got some great news, Tony has invited me to NY for the weekend. I'll get to see his brother & his wife. I really can't explain how excited I am. I'm excited about not only the trip but our relationship. I've never been more happy.
Tomorrow is an early day...21 mile roadbike ride at 730.