Nov 05, 2008 00:01
i want to start this post by saying that i tried drinking straight flax seed oil today and it is disgusting. it falls in line with the theory that if it tastes like shit, then it must be good for you. so drink some!
the election is officially over and i have... mixed feelings.
on the one hand, its hard not to get caught up in the fervor of hope and optimism than obama seems to radiate with every fiber of his being. he is an incredible orator and seems like he could be a wonderful leader, the kind of leader this country needs after the deception and abuse it's endured for the last 8 years. i used to think one man, even the president, couldn't make much difference in the world. but if the last 8 years are any indicator of what sort of "difference" one man can make, then i have to swallow this bitter pill of cynicism i've been choking on for my entire adult life and hope the opposite is at least...possible. besides, we all know how much cooler black people are than white people. athletics, music, language, style, foods, rhythm... they've got us beat where it counts. at least we still have racism?
but im torn. on the other hand, i know in my heart of hearts that all of this... this entire way of life is so fundamentally flawed, that no one and nothing no matter how charismatic or awe-inspiring, can make it right. contemporary civilization the world over is a virus - a plague that feeds off of greed, pestilence, unrelenting and unimaginable destruction. this isn't to say there aren't wonderful people and amazing things within this way of life; this is just to say that any reasonable compassionate humyn being must acknowledge the price we all must pay for the choices we've made. drill baby drill!
there is only one logical conclusion to this equation - and it is total collapse; extinction; fin. we can all agree that on a long enough time line this is inevitable. i just happen to think that time line is much, much shorter than most people... most likely within my lifetime.
so even if obama helps me sleep a bit easier at night, i'm still sleeping with one eye open. because i know that for all his good intentions, all his charisma, all his confidence and potential, he is a still a cog in a machine that i cannot and will not submit to. at best, he's merely stalling the impeding fate we've sealed for ourselves. and that may actually be worse in some ways, because the longer all of this continues, the more life everywhere suffers.
so what am i to do with these feelings? well, this may sound ridiculous to some but i'm going to live my life under the assumption that i have until 2012 to live out as many of my dreams as possible. (why 2012? learn about the fucking mayan calendar and then come talk to me! they predicted the precession of the earth 2,000 years ago!!!) before you start to think i'm some sort of immature conspiracy theorist, hang on.
i don't think that things will come to a definitive "end" on 12.21.2012 but i think by then the pendulum will have swung definitively in one direction and things will be past the point of no return. there will be no coming back and we will begin our final march as a civilization into the ash heap of history. if i'm wrong, well, then i had the time of my life for a few years. and what better time to have it?
in conclusion:
sellout while you still can! chicken fingers, pizza, and weed for everyone!
and as an afterthought...
consider the possibility that obama was allowed to win by a greater, shadowy power to ease our fears and guide us gently by the hand into the future of a one world government. seriously... consider it.
that is all.