Jun 29, 2005 02:29
Hello once again! Sorry I didn't update sooner. A lot has kind of happened. Well, Friday Christian came over and stayed for a little while. It was fun. Saturday was boring as effing H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK.. i had nothing to do. sunday was boring as crap too. desiree' and me and elizabeth we swimming and brit went with us and then went home at 9:00P.M. Monday brittany came over and and stayed the night and elizabeth did and amanda did. A big fight started too. amanda and desiree' were in desiree's room and elizabeth stayed out here with me and brittany and i went back there and started yelling at desiree' about how she was leaving elizabeth out and how earlier desiree' kept leaving amanda out...she is a ONE friend person. she cant have more than one friend or she leaves them out.. she tries saying she dont but she does. then she came out crying and yelling TAKE ELIZABETH HOME and we got into a HUGE fight.. then we were talking about how everyone talks behind their friends.. desiree' was like I DONT TALK BEHIND THEIR BACKS, I ALWAYS TELL THEM WHAT I SAY..and see, she always gets mad at me and elizabeth for being friends when we talk behind each others back but we TELL each other.. so I said YEAH AND THAT IS THE SAME EXCUSE I SAY SO DONT EVEN PUT THAT SHIT ON ME! and a big thing started and my mom got up and was all mad at everyone. ETC, too much to type. Tuesday(today) brittany stayed the night and amanda. desiree' ditched amanda for elizabeth and are now at elizabeth's house. and now I am on here so i will update sometime soon. Later <3
I MISS CHRISTIAN! I haven't seen him since Friday! AHH.. I talked to him some on the phone saturday, but since then, I only talked to him online. I WANT TO SEE HIM! ...man! :(