Hello everyone!

Aug 31, 2006 19:00

Hey all...just wanted to drop a line and announce that I am indeed up at Michigan Tech!! Took a couple of days (we started out late), but I actually got here on the 26th...just been wway busy w/ orientation and moving in and stuff to update.

It's beautiful up here, and not as hot either, which is nice. My hall and I went to the beach earlier and played volleyball, which I did pretty good at this time. We also did makeshift swimming bc we all didn't wear out suits haha. I have been introduced to many people and sports, which is nice. You should try Ultimate Frisbee, it's pretty cool. I won't get to experience all the good stuff until it snows though...I'm gunna be on a broomball team, and we need ice to do that, lol. We also have our own ski hill, so we also have gym classes of skiing and snowboarding, which is awesome.

Sorry this is so short, but I am being whisked off again to do more stuff.

Until next time,
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