hope you don't mind that i stole this

Jun 29, 2006 12:48

[  ] travel to japan

[  ] get married, have children and avoid becoming a soccer mom at all costs (shudder)

[  ] write a novel

[  ] ride in a hot air balloon

[  ] spend the night on a beach, or anything that involves falling asleep under the stars

[  ] ice skate in central park like in the movie serendipity

[  ] sponsor a child in a third world country

[  ] put my spanish to good use, like travel to a hispanic country, maybe do missionary work

[  ] parasail or scubadive

[  ] go on a road trip and see the grand canyon and all that touristy stuff everyone must do

[ x] go camping, for real

[ x] learn japanese (could help on that trip to japan)

[  ] drive a stick

[  ] walk through a cemetery at night (does driving count?)

[  ] sword fight

[ x] compete in a soulcalibur tournament

[  ] get morgan webb’s job

[  ] ride a horse

[ xxx] wait out the line and ride millennium force

[ xxx] see that i impacted someone’s life

[ x] actually cry in a movie theater, not just get teary-eyed

[  ] not be afraid to sing in front of a crowd

[ x ] stand in a downpour with the love of my life and get completely soaked
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