This week is the greatest week of my life!!!

Jun 30, 2005 02:42

With the exception of my housing situation, which of course sucks, but we're not going to talk about that.
It will get better, otherwise we're all moving out and they'll be shit out of luck.

Anyway, this week is the greatest week of my life.

I love my job.
I love this theatre.
I love my friends out here.
I love that I'm a bitch to the people that I don't like and don't feel bad about it unlike at home where I feel bad being mean to people unless they're mean to me first.
I love that Steve Nelson called me tonight.
I love that I've been invited to have dinner at HEATH LEDGER'S house!!!
I love that today I just found out I have an extra day off ... which means I don't have to be at work again until one o'clock on Saturday!!!
I love that that means that I'm going to New York tomorrow!
I love that that means I get to see Jonathan!
And also hang out with Warren, Gerard, Kristie, Jenna, and hopefully Dennis and Eric Hatch.
I love that I have friends living the dream in fucking NEW YORK CITY!!!
I love that Kyle and I just got shit faced.
And even more that he has to work tomorrow at eight a.m.

Really I just love everything!
And I love you for reading this!
Yay you!!!

My favorite still though is:
Karen Miller: be jealous that Steve Nelson called me
Christina Hagan: be jealous because 1. Stephen Nelson called me and 2. my friend invited me to have dinner at HEATH LEDGER'S HOUSE!!!!!!!
That's right, be jealous!!!

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