this weekend was stellar...

Sep 22, 2008 19:57

and by stellar, I mean entirely not stellar at all.

So I text Bridgette (probably the first time I've really spoken to her since her wedding.) and she flips out on me over something SHE did to ME at her wedding, and calls me selfish for being upset and being a complete wreck because of my brother (which was 17 days after his death.) THEN tells me I'm a bad friend for not going to the dam (where they had a fire and hung out i'm guessing) when her father died (only GOD knows how long ago) when she called me around 7pm (I know this, because I ALWAYS went to pgh late) I was over an hour away (driving in the opposite direction to see a friend) and she said she'd probably be gone by 10 (when I told her I'd be able to get back). NOT MY FAULT, CUNT. I was busy. get over it. even true-blue's are busy sometimes.

just to say it again... you're a selfish bitch. I don't care what day it is, or what color dress you're wearing, you're fucking pathetic. also, I think you're a piece of shit for trying to compare loss. I could sit here and do that too, but I'm not that ignorant. I think you're a piece of shit for saying "I didn't go for him, I came for you" when you stood and talked to rich outside and didn't say a word to me. I didn't WANT you there. That's the difference between you and me. I don't feel people who don't really know a person should be at their showing/funeral.
Don't act like you're some saint and that you were ever a good friend. You're clingy, needy, and you need to grow up.

I think it's pretty funny though how everyone thinks what you did was WRONG and that YOU were being selfish when I talk to them.
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