I've been working on several knitting projects that are taking forever to finish. So to make myself feel like I'm getting somewhere and actually get to finish something I started a crochet project last night for a little head kerchief thingie. Of course I got stumped pretty early on, I just couldn't figure out what the designer was trying to say. I ended up going to
crochetcrochet and asking the ladies there for help. I knew I just wasn't reading the pattern right or something. I had several that were able to unstump me, so I finished it while Treyvan was taking his nap. I love short projects.
I'm not entirely pleased with it. It doesn't lay very flat on my head and the headband is odd. It doesn't stretch evenly and I have to twist it to get the kerchief to lay remotely flat against my head.
The pattern is
Kristen TenDyke's Lacy Crochet Kerchief The photos where you see the back of my head make me think it's time to dye my hair. It really bothers me how obvious my gray hairs are getting. I have one that's up front now as a daily reminder of time passing. *sigh*