Slashy survey.

Feb 01, 2004 12:00

[x] General Slash Questions -->1) Do you know what slash is?:Yes 2) How did you first find out about slash?:Searching for fanfics...just happened to stumble upon Rhysenn's work. 3) What are your feelings on slash?:Love it. HOTHOTHOT 4) Any particular things you like to read in slash fics?:uhh...I'm especially fond of the smutty ones. ^_~ [x] General Harry Potter Questions -->1) Do you know what Harry Potter is?:...did you seriously just ask me that? 2) How did you first find out?:My friend PJ 3) What do you think about HP?:LOVE IT 4) Any specifics when it comes to HP fics?:Just has to be well written. No Mary Sues. 5) Any good fic archives for HP fic?:Rhysenn's stuff, Cassie Claires fics,, [x] Harry Potter Slash Questions -->1) When did you discover HP Slash?:See above. 2) How did you feel about it?:I'm addicted. 3) What was your first slash pairing you read?:The classic: Harry/Draco 4) What is your OTP (One Top Pairing)?:Harry/Draco. 5) Your top five pairings?:Harry/Draco, Ginny/Hermione, I've gotten into Oliver/Marcus and anything involving my dear Pansy Parkinson 6) What is the one quirk you have in the fandom that others don't get?:Broomstick sex. hahaha just kidding. Um, not sure. 7) Do you write slash?:Yes, yes I do. 8) What's your best piece of slash written so far (prior to this quiz)?:My Theresa Hermione/Ginny fic. 9) I want some slash recs. What are some you'd want to give me?:Rhysenn ( And search 10) Do you have a slash author you idolise/love their work?:Rhysenn!! *bows down* [x] The Specifics: In-Depth on Pairings -->1) Tell me. Who has to be the dominant one?:Draco. or any other Slytherin, depending on the pairing. 2) Why?:It's the Slytherin thing. "any means to achieve thier ends" and all that jazz... 3) Who's your bottom then?:Harry and the Gryffindorks. 4) Why?:Obvious reasons. They are fun to take advantage of. 5) What is the one pairing you indulge in, but your friends hate?:My friends aren't so much into fanfiction at all. Especially slash. 6) What is the pairing you never thought you'd like, but you did anyway?:Lucius/Draco 7) What kind of naughty stuff does your OTP do in the bedroom/anywhere?:*smrik* Draco is a naughty boy, usually. 8) Do you do Cross-Gen or Beastiality (how else do I phrase this...)?:Nooo thats sqiucky. 9) What is the most overrated slash couple ever (even if you love it lol)?:Remus/Sirius. 10) What couple needs more fanfiction?:Hermione/Ginny and some of my het pairings (i.e. Ron/Pansy, Pansy/Draco) 11) Do you have a fansite/fanfic series on your OTP?:Rhysenn's stuff is mostly Harry/Draco. 12) If you could convert the world with one pairing, what would it be?:Harry/Draco. 13) What is your shout-out to your OTP?:....o.O? [x] HP Slash Fic Specifics: Oh Boy! Ship' Time!! -->1) What fic converted you to slash?:Rhysenn's "Irresistable Poision" 2) Which fic would you recommend to newbie slashers?:^that one. There isn't too much smut, and there is an actual plot. 3) What fic squicks you the most?:There's one that Rhy wrote that is Neville/Percy that is kind of odd I think. 4) Have you stumbled upon a fic of a fave couple and ended up hating it?:Yeah. If its really horribly written, I'll hate it. 5) What do you think about the amount of badly written slash produced?:A little something called spell-check and Beta readers would be a good idea. 6) Has that made you stop shipping your pairing?:No, not at all. I love my slashy boys. 7) Since...*cough* died, do you think Depressing!Remus is portrayed as OOC?:I don't so much like Sirius/Remus, so no, not really. 8) What about the incest-fest? Weasleycest, Malfoycest, Blackcest, ect...?:I dig Malfoycest and Twincest, depending on if it's well written, and if the Malfoycest is not too violent. 9) Fave pairings with Sirius?:don't like Sirius so much. 10) Fave pairings with Harry?:/Draco 11) Fave pairings with Ron?:none slashy, but /Pansy. 12) Fave pairings with Draco?:/Harry, /Lucius, het /Pansy. 13) Fave pairings with Severus?:/Hermione, /Harry. 14) Any other fave pairings you want to share?: [x] Fandom Questions:1) Who's your fave slash artist?:like, fanart? 2) Do you read stuff from the SSFQ?:?? 3) Your stand on JK's lawyers hunting down slash sites.:This is why we write disclaimers. 4) Are you able to access ^_~ 5) The melting pot of all crappy fics?:Yes. I don't read there, I just am publishing till I get my own site. 6) Favourite Ship' site?:Don't have one. 7) Since I'm bored...Hell, what do you think of this survey?:Fab. 8) Any last words?:
Harry Potter Slash -- The Quiz brought to you by BZOINK!

Ok so the song "Me and a Gun" by Tori Amos is the type of song that at a concert, everyone in the audience is shouting "Tori! Tori!" And than she gets out on stage and stands at the microphone and starts singing that song, and the whole place just shuts up. Dead silence, except for her belting out that song. You know what I mean?
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