Feb 14, 2009 17:44
First off, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday this past Wednesday. It was pretty low-key, but it was nice. My sister took me to lunch at the restaurant Eric works at (as the Assistant Manager) since he had to work, then that evening Eric took me to see "Coraline" in 3-D! (Which was awesome, by the way. Very beautiful visually!) It was kinda pricey (almost 25 bucks for two people), but I thought it was well worth it. And the 3-D effects made it look all the more stunning! I enjoyed it very much. :)
Eric got me Oblivion for my birthday. For those of you who aren't as big of a game geek as I am, Oblivion is from the same company that released Fallout 3 and the two games are almost identical. (The obvious difference being that Oblivion takes place in a fantasy type setting with magic and swords and Fallout 3 takes place in post-apocalyptic Washington DC with guns and explosives.) I tried it once before and didn't really like it, but now that I've been playing Fallout 3 for awhile and am really into that one he insisted I'd like Oblivion and gave it to me for my birthday. I'll try it eventually, probably soon since my brother took Fallout 3 off of me to play it himself.
Anyway, so it's Valentine's Day. Not really a big deal since Eric is working, but even then V-Day has never been a huge deal to me. Just another day invented by Hallmark to pump money out of us. Besides, Eric doesn't need one day a year to know I love him ... I let him know everyday. :)
Oh, and the greatest news of all ... I'm sick again! YAY!