
Oct 04, 2003 07:20

ugh yet another dreadful weekend in san diego..well i haven't left yuma yet.. i still have about 40 minutes of freedom left. lol.. heh last night my friend sarah and i were the "advisors" for NHS for the leukemia walk. i felt all empowered signing people's papers.. lol jk. but wow it was extremely boring. i expected it to be as big as the Relay for Life in april.. where people pitch tents and sell food and have entertainment and such. but noo.. no tents. no entertainment. and worst of all, NO FOOD. =( but at least my friend (for now ;D) dale got me a mickey d's cheeseburger happy meal. haha. it was great. and i got to sit with him on the grass. just talking. -sigh- he's so cute... but omg louie was there too. and he was sitting on the grass by himself crying =(..more drama between him and some other people i shouldn't mention. it was all really stupid. the drama, i mean. and these unmentionable people constantly drag louie into their problems. and he ends up getting hurt. and it really pisses me off. so yeah i talked to him and told him, basically, to screw them. but i used much more eloquent language lol. then later on, i guess his youth group leader tried to mediate him and his friend (one of the unmentionable people). then louie called me last night to thank me for being there. aww =D at least some people appreciate me. lol.. overall the night went well.. with dale and all ..hehe =P..well i'm off to another weekend of torture!! woohoo! (p.s. next weekend is the LAST session!)
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