Oct 01, 2011 15:35
Oct, 1, 2011
Ello mates.
I haven't updated dis bitch in a while. I be changin' that nao.
I got this awesome game at goodwill called Vampire Hunter that is still super awesome even though the light-up castle is broken :*-(. And I got a book about middle school that is almost exactly like how my middle school years were, and Krista, my roommate got this book 'Girl Talk' fo' freeeee from a bookstore.
At first we got 'Girl Talk' just to make fun of it because it's all 80's and outdated and such, but then I realized it's actually really interesting and informative.
And then the next day I hit a car for the first time. Like, I thought the first time I got in an accident, I'd flip my shit and it would be a big deal, but it wasn't. The person that I hit wasn't even the owner of the car. Apparently the owner of the car didn't even know it was being borrowed. But all the people in the car started freaking out and thinking that I'd call the cops, even though it was on private property. They're all like "OMG! I CAN'T GET ON PROBATION AGAIN! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN. OMG" and I'm just like...'it's cool guys, i'm not about to bring the fuzz into this one'. I'm not sure if they were just drunk, or high too, but whatever. They were super illegally parked too, like, they were parked straight in diagonal parking spots so it was sort of unavoidable. My parents weren't even mad. They were just like 'yeah, give them your info..i guess'.
No biggie.
There's this kid I see around campus with really long hair, but that's not the weird thing. The weird thing is that every time I see him look at me, he starts smiling. And not even a polite little smile, like a full on grin. And then he stops looking at me but keeps on smiling. I'm not sure if I should feel self-conscious or what. I might just be paranoid. It's weird.
so yeah, there's that.
Also, I'm feeling super sneaky lately. Do you want to know why? It's because I had this really, really awful cd just lying around my dorm room, and it's too awesomely bad to throw out, so I figure Imma have to give it to some unlucky sonuvabitch. So I wrap it up in newspaper all present-like and decide I'm going to have to take it a step further and put a fake love note on it. So I do. I get yellow construction paper and use my best cursive to write a creepy love note that goes something like 'i've only just met you, just learned your name hours before, but I know that I want more. I know that I try to ignore you but I just need more. I love your eyes, and your smile and the way you make me want to [purposely unintelligble]..Love(hopefully) - C'. And then I had my roommate put it on my manwhore neighbor's bed. He came into our room hours later and was genuinely freaked out. Hehehehe, I'm so diabolical. He's still trying to figure out who sent it.
Anyway, I've been deathly ill for like, two weeks straight. It's super hard to concentrate on 18 credits and my grades are hardcore slipping. I have a meltdown like every other day. Today doesn't seem like one of those days, so we're good.