Feb 20, 2009 14:54
So I am not sure if this means I am going to start posting again or not or why I am even writing this, but going through all my old entries has just sorta been reminding me how good it feels to be able to express everything and just vent, I'm just hoping this doesn't end up coming back to bite me in the ass because venting is fine to do until the wrong person reads it and it all blows up your face but here it goes.
So I am pretty pissed at most of my friends right now, the whole group has sorta split into two and it's over such dumb fucking stuff. I mean like dumb high school stuff, it's pathetic. We were all fine until about like 2 months ago when Mike, Craig, Kaley, and Nick decided that they wanted to start a hate Kristen club so they all stopped talking to her and stopped hanging out with her except for the one time they invited her over just so they could take turns complaining about what they didn't like about her and why they didn't want to hang out with her anymore. Of course this made her all upset so she was being super dramatic for a few weeks and crying all the time about losing her best friends and she didn't understand how people could be so cold. While this was all happening Todd and her starting getting like super close, to the point now where they are pretty much dating so Todd has taken her side and pretty much cold shouldered everyone else for the most part.
*a side note here, the reason that everyone says they are mad at Kristen is they claim that she is extremely manipulative and likes to cause drama and lies all the time to get attention and they don't want to be friends with someone who is going to be dishonest with them or toy with their emotions for their own gain. In my opinion she does stretch and twist the truth to try and get attention yes, but not really any more then anyone else in the group does, everyone talks and spreads rumors and the only reason they really do it is for their themselves. I'm sure they don't twist someones words to make them sound bad for that persons benefit, so I think just because they all came to this conclusion together doesn't make Kristen any worse than anyone else.
Fast forward to present day. Nick, Craig, and Kaley still refuse to see or talk to Kristen with the exception of when we are all at parties. Mike forgave Kristen and hangs out with her now and is actually now Mad at Craig, Kristen, and Nick for being Immature and not getting over it and talking to her. Todd is still attached to Kristen's hip and for the most part taking her side, but he is still Todd so if anyone asked him to hang out he probably would, but everyone thinks he's taking sides and is mad at him. I seem to be the only one actually stuck in the middle bouncing between groups because I still consider them all my friends, my immature and stupid friends granted, but they are my friends none the less. But when I hang out with Mike, Todd, and Kristen ALL that Kristen and Mike do is talk crap about Kaley, Craig, and Nick. Todd stays closed mouth about everything and ignores it, which is how Todd is and that's what I try to do but it's hard to sit there and listen to them do it. When I hang out with Craig, Kaley, and Nick it isn't nearly as bad, they don't waste all their time talking crap about anyone they just hang out and have fun which would make me more inclined to hang out with them but they are sooooo unreliable to make plans with, I never get to see them because they always cancel plans or go and hang out without telling me so I end up hanging out with Mike, Kirsten, and Todd all the time, which is fun. But I need a break every so once in a while, I'm sick of being the only adult in this situation who realizes how dumb it is to fight over this type of crap.
Kristen has gotten a lot better recently because there was a time when I didn't want to hang out with her that much either because she was getting on my nerves trying to get people to feel sorry for about things and it was just kind of annoying to deal with because she did it in a very dramatic matter. She did have a lot of good reasons to do it, I mean she lost her grandma, her family and her are having serious drama issues, plus her not being to be friends with Kaley had taken a tole on her, but it seems that she has been able to move on from that and is a lot more fun to hang out with now, I just wish everyone else could see it so we can get over all this stupid crap. Not to mention when I am hanging out with Kristen I get texts from Nick saying things like 'please don't fall back into that' and crap like that. Seriously? She's not playing any mind games with me to get her to hang out with her, and if I didn't want to hang out with her I probably wouldn't so I hate that he acts like that. It's like he's 7. Everyone else in the group (Alex, Sarah, Anne, Mary) are pretty much just staying out of the whole thing and staying to themselves and don't want a thing to do with it, which I don't blame them for but then that makes it so I can never see any of them, which sucks.
Blah, anyway Kristen brought her friend Jenn over to my house the other day to hang out and we hit it off really well and Todd, Mike, Kirsten, and I went to her apartment that night to all play kings which was a blast and we have pretty much been talking non stop since then. She is a pretty awesome chick, I went over there last night to hang out too and played with her son for a little bit before he went to bed and that kid is friggin A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. Then we watched a movie together on the couch and just sorta laid around for an hour or so before I left, but we get along really well and she is a lot of fun to hang out with so maybe I can just take a break from all the drama and get to know her better. Seems like a really good idea to me.
I just hope that all this crap is sorted out before June because that is when my lease is up and I will be moving in with Mike and his roomate Amy in Scottsdale and I really don't wanna have to deal with this kinda stuff where I live too because as of right now the fact that I live by myself is my saving grace because this is where I can go to just escape from it all.
.X. That felt good.
.X.X. As a disclaimer even though I know I shouldn't have to say this, the people who will probably read this probably know some if not most of the people above, if you do, please don't mention anything to them, one you don't want to get involved, two I don't want to hear crap because I wrote about people in my livejournal, like I said: high school is behind us.