Have You...
1. fallen for your best friend?:yup
2. made out with a friend?:yup
3. been rejected?:yup
4. been in love?: yup
5. used someone?:yup
6. been used?:yup
7. been kissed?: ofcoarse
8. done something you regret?nope
Who was the last person...
9. you touched?:does my dog count
10. you talked to?: angie
11.you hugged?:jeremy
12. you instant messaged?:bittani
13. you kissed?: jeremy
14. you had sex with?: you talked to?:umm ... joe
15. you yelled at?: my sister
16. you laughed with?: angie
17. who broke your heart?: kiyle
18. who told you they loved you?: jeremy
Do you..
19. color your hair?: no
20. have tattoos?: nope
21. have piercings?:only ears
22. have a boyfriend? umm josie n kasi ill tell you wut happened its nothing bad though
23. own a webcam? no
24. own a thong? many
25. ever get off the computer?sometimes
26. have a crush?yeah
27. think?yeah
28. think logically?no
Have you / do you / are you...
29. stolen anything? yeah
30. smoke?did yay i quit
31. schizophrenic?nope
32. obsessive? depends on wut it is
33. compulsive?nope
34. obsessive compulsive?nopers
35. panic?depends
36. anxiety? sometimes
37. depressed?nope
38. suicidal? nope
39. obsessed with hate? no
40. dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? NO
41. if you could be anywhere, where would you be?canada
42. can you do anything freakish with your body? i dont think so
43. what facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? eyes
44. would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: nope
45. would you marry for money?:nope
46. have you had braces?:nope
47. do you pluck your eyebrows? hellz yeah
48. do you like hairy backs?:hellz no
49. when was the last time you had a hickey?:it was when i was w/ joe i dont remember
50. could you live without a computer?: i would die
51. do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: yes
52. if so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 119
53. if you could live in any past, where would it be?: umm ... 1912
54. do you wear white socks?:umm i wear flip flops
55. do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?:off
56. your favorite fruit?: dunno
57. do you eat wheat bread or white?:white
58. what is your favorite place to visit?:anywhere but here
59. what is the last movie you saw ?:at the movies was a cinderella story and at my house grind
60. do you kiss on the first date?:yup yup
61. are you photogenic?: no
62. do you dream in color or black and white?: color ... do blind people dream in color? ... just a question
63. are you wearing fingernail polish?: on my toes
64. is it chipped or fresh?: fresh
65. do you have any dimples? yes
66. do you remember being born?: NO
67. why do you take surveys?: because i am a very bored person
68. do you drink alcohol?only at parties
69. did you like or do you like high school?: umm sometimes
70. what is the best accent? italian
71. who do you want to kiss? if only i could say
72. do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?:sunset
73. do you want to live to be 100?: HELL NO
74. is a flat stomach important to you?: nope
75. do you or have you played with a quija board? yeah
76. are you loyal?: umm ... sumtimes
77. are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?:if there not stupid than yeah
78. when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: depends on wut kind of movie
79. do you like your nose?: oh no
80. do you think you can draw well?: uh no
81. at what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real?7
82. how many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: umm i flip flops count as shoes than i would say about 35
83. do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? yeah sumtimes
84. do you write poetry?: nope songs
85. snore?: nope i talk in my sleep ... its kinda creepy
86. do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: side
87. cats/dogs?:dogs
88. do you lick stamps?:nope thats my dogs job
89. do you use an electric can opener?:yeah
90. have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: no
91. like your name?: nope
92. were you named after anyone?:yup
93. do you wish on stars?: all the time
94. which finger is your favorite?:umm i dk
95. when did you last cry?: 2 days ago
96. do you like your handwriting?: uhh no its HIDEOUS
97. who do you admire: idk
98. what is the #1 priority in your life?:graduate
99. what is your favorite lunchmeat?: idk
100. any bad habits?:biting my nails ... oh and im a really big flirt i need to stop that
101. what is your favorite animal?:siberian tiger
102. if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: hell no
103. are you a daredevil?:yeah
104. have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?:yup ... unfotunatly
105. have you ever stolen anything?yeah
106. do looks matter? sumtimes but if they're REALLY ugly like hideous they would have to be a REEEEEALLY great person
107. have you ever miss used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?:yeah
108. do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?yeah rite
109. do fish have feelings?: ofcoarse
110. are you trendy?:umm no
111. how do you release anger?:music
112. where is your second home? arian and witneys house ... when im not grounded
113. do you trust others easily?:not anymore
114. what was your favorite toy as a child?: my chicken limbo
115. what class in school do you think is useless?umm all of them
116. do you like sappy love songs?:no
117. have you ever been on radio or television?:oh i was on the news on halloween oh and i was on the radio when i requested a song
118. do you have a journal?:only a live journal
119. do you use sarcasm a lot? yeah
120. have you ever been in another country?yup CANADA!
121. what do you look for in a guy/girl?personalty oh i have to like their hair too cuz sexy hair is hott!
122. what is/are your nickname(s)?:umm my mind is blank
123. would you bungee jump?:hellz yeah
124. do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:no
125. what are you worried about right now?:rite now im worry free
126. do you ever wear overalls?:umm ... no!
127. do you think you are strong?:to a certain extent
128. what's your least favorite thing in the world? stupid people
129. how many wisdom teeth do you have? i have no idea
130. what would you change about yourself?umm shorter my nose and my feet
131. who are the people you care most about? my friends and sister oh and danielle and taylor
132. see:my coputer
133. need:music
134. find:myself getting amused with the CELLULAR BANNANULLAR PHONE song
135. have:a dog
136. wish:i wasnt at my house
137. love:daniell and taylor
138. hate:stupidity
139. miss:danielle and taylor
140. fear:roaches oh and FREDDIE CROUGER
141. feel:wierd
142. hear:im thingys every 5 seconds
143. smell:my candle
144. wonder:why YELLOW freight trucks are ORANGE
145. regret: nothing
146. what will you do now?go put on music
well that was great fun well it wasnt really but oh well ... good night