Meh, i am so fatigued right now. Lethargic almost. Not physically but mentally. Its not that i can barely move my body... its that my mind is like "meh, would rather sleep." I am not outright depressed but i have the feeling its sliding that way. Last week i didnt go to train at all (because i was freaking broke) and i literally was a couch potato all.week. I didnt do a fucking thing but watch tv, check the internet, snuggle with the dogs, and sleep. Oh and i ate my weight in breakfast cereal too. So fucking lazy. I began to think to myself "maybe i have mono?"but that would probably mean ive had mono for the last seven years or so. Yikes.
Also ive been spending too much time in my own head i think. Thinking about the what-ifs and am i good enoughs and stuff. And ive been feeling super foggy as well, like having trouble coming up with the right words and stuff. Its driving me nuts.
However one positive thing about being in a small community (vt) is that you see people you know daily, and they pick up on your vibes quickly. They can tell when something is off. Its harder to hide myself. This is somewhat annoying right now, but probably more beneficial to my well being than being a stranger walking down the street. Its hard to put a face on, but that can be therapeutic in a way too.
And also; Starbucks via better be amazing because otherwise i will not function tomorrow.
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