Oct 31, 2004 16:05

well first, happy halloween :) second, i haven't updated in a while. 8 days to be exact. field hockey season's all over :( so now i come home everyday after school and be bored :/ o well. football game friday was a nit nippie and OMG KELLY FOUND MY PURSE! i was soooo happy. i would have done backflips if i knew how to i was so happy. got my cell phone and my wallet back! katie drove me home after the game cuz i couldnt call my mm cuz my phone was dead from bein on. she's a good driver! yesterday i went to lauren's house with meg lowery, nicole, and obviously lauren. we got ready for the dance. me n meg were dead cardinals fans so we spent like the whole afternoon putting our make-up on. lauren was an angel and nikki was a devil. it was so funny when lauren's sister was putting the fake eyelashes on n the glue was like all stuck to her eyes n she couldnt open them. good times. ya the dance was fun. peoples costumes were cool. i loved chuck's costume! chuck you are awesome! he is now my new grandmother! i kept telling him to go away because i was like peeing my pants everytime i saw him. he won best costume along with dan hamilton who was like a box or sumtin with star wars guy in it, a bunch of ppl who were the pink ladies and the t-birds. it was fun. i'm goin out with rachel, casey, andrew, and nicole tonite should be fun! :) lovin him ;)
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