I was all excited for SNL tonight because it's gonna be Paul Rudd and Beyonce. Well, like, I'm mostly excited for Paul Rudd, but Beyonce is okay. Paul Rudd is not only THE COOLEST DUDE EVER, but he is hosting because of David Wain's movie!! BEST EPISODE EVER.
And then I found out they're gonna have
two new cast members. And they're gonna start tonight. D: How lame is that?! I'm still holding a grudge against Casey Wilson for not being as funny as everyone else. I've gotten used to her, but I still kind of cringe when she delivers her lines in that dumb, I'm-trying-to-be-funny-ha-ha-see-it's-funny kind of way. I don't know. I like what kind of comedy I like and I don't like the kind I don't like. And I think she falls at least partially into the "don't like" category. Blehh, but I really like the cast now and I'm worried about two people coming in and messing it up. I'll try to give them a fair chance. But I swear, if they are unfunny in the Paul Rudd episode, I don't think I'll be able to forgive them.
It already sucks enough that Amy Poehler is leaving the show. And that, like, Casey Wilson is getting all the parts she should get. I'm super happy that she had a baby (it is the best baby ever--that is a fact!), but I really wish she didn't have to quit the show. *sigh* But I know she has to. It just sucks that they have to try to replace her.
I guess I'll have to get used to this. I mean, SNL casts shift around pretty often. In five years, the people that are there now are probably going to be gone. It's just hard to accept. Before Casey and Bobby, I absolutely loved everyone on this cast. That's never happened before! I mean, I like Bobby, and Casey is okay, but I don't have that really lame attachment to them like I have to the others. Ah, but that'll probably come in time.
Okay, this is the dorkiest entry ever. Sorry! Rant over. :D Despite all this, I'm really excited for tonight. I remember someone from the show saying once that the hosts who come in and help write sketches are usually the best. I'm thinking that's probably why the Ben Affleck episode was so good--he's written stuff before. (By the way, LOVED THE BEN AFFLECK EPISODE. Like, a lot. I was really confused when I found out he was hosting because, like, Ben Affleck? Is it 1999? But he was so awesome! It was by far my favorite episode of the season.) And I think the same is going to be true with Paul Rudd. He hasn't written much (like, he co-wrote Role Models with three other guys), but he's a really really funny guy and I'm sure he's got some great ideas.
Speaking of, I really need to see Role Models. I haven't had a chance to yet. And I haven't had the money. :( I really really really want to see it though. I've heard some people say that you can tell it's a David Wain movie and I've heard others say you really can't. Ahh, I hope I see it soon. I can't wait!
Okay, yeah, I am totally done now. :) Hope you all have a great weekend! Bye for now!
Okay, I'm pretty sure these new cast members could be absolutely terrible and still not ruin the awesome that is Paul Rudd. :D