Sep 29, 2005 14:10
Alright its been awhile since I last updated so hmmmm..whats been going on..
-heathers getting married...w00t.
-megan and warren got back together...again another w00t.
-brandon got his license today..i luv u poohie <3
-i turned 21 on the 14th..go me.
-brandon's ex is the biggest cunt known to really..i met the kids without her knowing about it now she threatens brandon that he will never see his kids if im around..hey christie you be a bag of DOUCHE!
-im sick right now..ehhh..
-kritty did you die?
-i would kill for some kool-aid right now.
-my brother got some bad news yesterday about his radiation..they said they are going to have to do more scans before they can remove the tumor in his that put a delay on him going back to work..which he was excited about..effing cancer.
-i cant wait till tomorrow so brandon can give me luvins and make me feel better..i luv u hunnies forever & ever & ever!!! <3 <3 <3 ~5-11-05~
ok im going back to bed..hollar homies.
ps. Poohie will you be the man who lifts my veil?? <3