So Today I get a phone call from my sister, and she asks if my mom called me yet. I told her no, and then she told me that she was in a 5 car accident on the freeway just 10 or 15 minutes before. So I call my mom and find out that she's ok but needs a ride since her SUV is the only one that isn't drivable. Apparently a guy was driving by himself in the HOV lane and spotted a DPS officer. He quickly moved over into the next line, behind my mom, to avoid being seen by the cop. Unfortunately for him, she still saw him and moved behind him
to pull him over. As she hit her lights, he lost concentration of traffic and proceeded to slam into the back of my mom, causing her to hit another SUV in front of her. So they towed her car off and she waited for me to pick her up. She's ok, but just a few bumps and bruises, but nothing major. She still thought she should go to the hospital to get checked out in case there is anything major that she just couldn't tell. after waiting for 5 hours, we finally were able to
see the doctor which took but only 20 minutes. She was fine and left with a strong pain killer prescription.
So we had a late lunch after we got her a rental car, and I was off to battle rush hour to get home. What a day.