Rants? Yes?

Oct 24, 2006 12:12

It's all about magnetic yellow ribbons and white babies today. I'm feeling distinctly anti-conservative lately.

First up, we have an article by conservative nitwit Cal Thomas, who somehow has his column run in many newspapers across the USA. In this column, Thomas whines about being a "minority", i.e., white married straight guys are now in the minority. Oh for fuck's sake, the stupid, it burns! Then he breaks out this choice quote:

Family trees are beginning to resemble kudzu and if people are having fewer children (The United States birth rate is at an all-time low, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and we are barely having enough children to replace those who die), this has profound implications for domestic and international policies. For example, Hispanic and Muslim couples have more children than others in America. And one-third of all new births in the United States are to unmarried women.

Know how that read to me? I'll translate.

"OMFG, the brown-skinned folks are having more baybeez than us god-fearing light-skinned xtians! That's skeery!"

The "fear of God" long ago was replaced in too many churches with the portrayal of God as a warm and fuzzy uncle who understands why you do the things you do and doesn't care all that much as long as you are happy and "fulfilled."

That's because, Dear Cal, your God is an asshole. A just and loving God would want his peeps to be happy, as long as it's not at the expense of other people. Your ASSHOLE God just wants OBEDIENCE...from certain white men who happen to be leaders of the Asshole God's church.

Ugh, the whole column is just full of the stupid, I swear. And yes, I realize Townhall.com is nothing more than a right-wing mouthpiece full of kool-aid drinkers. But sometimes, I'm like a moth drawn to the flames of ignorance...

Marriage isn't suffering. It's doing just fine. People are getting married left and right. Oh, they're not white christians? Aw. Too fucking bad.

On a more humorous note, I love this video from the Asylum Street Spankers. It's a nice, scathing indictment on those who buy China-made $1.93 yellow magnetic ribbons and put them on their Ford Exploder next to their "Support PRESIDENT BUSH And the troops!" bumper sticker. (I've always wondered why the right-wing kool-aid drinkers idolize Bush, and feel the need to emphasize how much they worship him. Personally? I support the troops, but the prez? Not so much) I'm sure that some people who do genuinely support the troops buy the ribbons with that thought, but I'm pretty sure most the the dolts who buy them and slap them on next to their "W" stickers and Jesus fish do it out of a vague sense of apathy and a guilty "Hey, I bought the sticker, I support the troops, despite not enlisting to go fight the war like a good American should!"

Yeah. I'm bitter today.

EDIT: If you're not paying at least $5 for your magnetic yellow ribbon, you're not truly supporting the troops.

And that song is stuck in my head...

so stick that yellow ribbon on your S U V...

rant!, politics

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