Feb 21, 2004 23:14
threesimplecords: doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
raighpe: suuuuuuuuuuup
raighpe: what????????????????
raighpe: lol
threesimplecords: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawhatereyoudoinghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
raighpe: i'mtalkingtojoshomfg
raighpe: >.<
threesimplecords: omgomgomgogmogmomomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomogmogmomgoomogmogmomgomgogmogmogmogmomgogmogmogm
raighpe: lol youre psycho
threesimplecords: ican'tstopdancing!omg!
threesimplecords: are you talking to homosexual josh or cool josh?
raighpe: yeah
raighpe: how bout it
threesimplecords: huh?'
threesimplecords wants to directly connect.
raighpe is now directly connected.
threesimplecords: isn't it cute
raighpe: cool josh
raighpe: my comp is lagging
raighpe: so i'm getting your ims like 93485794857 min late
threesimplecords: haha ok
raighpe: and yes it's cute as shit
raighpe: :}
raighpe: ]*
raighpe: pfff
raighpe: =X
threesimplecords: :-X-look he's edge
raighpe: hahahahah
threesimplecords: its josh lets kill him!
threesimplecords: >:o
threesimplecords: >:o
threesimplecords: >:o
raighpe: hahahaha
threesimplecords: >:o>:o>:o>:o>:o
raighpe: josh is a fag
threesimplecords: >:o>:o>:o>:o
raighpe: lets kill everyone
threesimplecords: yes, he likes it in the BUTT!!!=-O
raighpe: lets get reeeeeeeeeeal high
raighpe: and kill everyone
raighpe: omg i forgot to tell you
threesimplecords: hahahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahaahhah
raighpe: stop writing so damn big
threesimplecords: oooooooooooo
threesimplecords: sorry
threesimplecords: hahahahah
threesimplecords: he's hot black man
raighpe: yeah he is
raighpe: so is that black guy in britney's new video
raighpe: doooooood you should listen to funeral for a friend
raighpe: they rule
threesimplecords: you'll laugh when i tell u what i'm listening to!
raighpe: whats that?'
threesimplecords: atmosphere
raighpe: i don't know who that is
threesimplecords: its underground hip hop
raighpe: omg
threesimplecords: haha
raighpe: shut up
threesimplecords: its fucking amazing man!
threesimplecords: its so like political and shit!
raighpe: dood back off that shiiiiiiiiiat
threesimplecords: its so real
raighpe: go listen to some co&cam.
threesimplecords: omg!!!!! its soooooo tiiiiight!
threesimplecords: hold on
threesimplecords: ok now its dropkick murpheys!
raighpe: mmk
threesimplecords: haha
raighpe: werd
raighpe: dood new co&cam is sooooo good
threesimplecords: dood she's hot
raighpe: who is that?
threesimplecords: she's just scary
raighpe: hahaha
raighpe: =X
threesimplecords: me and my friends do fashion shows at school for extra credit!
threesimplecords: hahahahahhaahhahaahaahhhaahaha
raighpe: really?
raighpe: your school seems fun
threesimplecords: yeah
threesimplecords: thats me with long hair
raighpe: what...
raighpe: where are all this pics coming from?
threesimplecords: ahhaha
raighpe: no really
raighpe: is this really ya'll or what
raighpe: where are they coming from
raighpe: i'm confused
threesimplecords: do u get it?
raighpe: nah i'm really confused
raighpe: like i have no idea what our convo just consisted of
raighpe: from when we connected till now
raighpe: you just started sending me random pics
threesimplecords: see helooks like every other kid, so he might as well have a shirt that says...
threesimplecords: nervemind
threesimplecords: haha
raighpe: huh?
threesimplecords: no i'm just kidddin
raighpe: dooooooooood lets start over
raighpe: im so confused
threesimplecords: ok
threesimplecords: hey raigh whats up homie!
raighpe: huh?
raighpe: whats up
raighpe: who is this?
raighpe: omg meg
threesimplecords: u said start over
threesimplecords: what?
raighpe: what?
raighpe: omg...i'm so confused
threesimplecords: u said omg meg
threesimplecords: so i said what?
raighpe: my computer is pissing me the hell off
raighpe: i have like 394857934857 pop ups
raighpe: its not dl-ing songs
threesimplecords: its not dl-ing songs- huh?
raighpe: what?
raighpe: STOP IT!
threesimplecords: i'm sorry
raighpe: sorry for what?
threesimplecords: ihi
raighpe: ihi
threesimplecords: yeah
threesimplecords: think hard
threesimplecords: LONG AND HARD!
raighpe: i have been the past hour
threesimplecords: huh?
raighpe: yeah i just got it
raighpe: when i read the convo out loud
threesimplecords: whats up rtaigh
raighpe: i feel like a jack ass
raighpe: lol
threesimplecords: bye
raighpe: dood
threesimplecords: haha
raighpe: i was like all and you were like ihi and as soon as i said it i was like ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
threesimplecords: u should save this conv and we can read it when we're old women in an AA meeting and laugh
threesimplecords: or NA for me
threesimplecords: gah ha
raighpe: hahaha ok <3