OKAY, WOW. It;s been a while, we all know. HOWEVER, I have reasons! I've recently been enrolled into my foundation Diploma of Art thus taking up a lot of my wonderful time to write and produce beautiful fictions. MWHAHA Of course, lovely. Plus I started dating again which you would think would be a great thing, especially for my type of writing! Getting inspiration from people and my relationships to interpret into stories but this one, I actually LOVE and it takes up waaaaaaaaaaay too much time. Like, Weekends, Tuesdays which is my ONLY Day off and now this person is being enrolled into my college, more time WASTED. It'll be worth it in the end I'm sure. AGAIN, I'm very sorry but YES, I am so excited for HALLOWEEN, CHRISTMAS and such, which I will obviously write fics for those holidays as I usually do. AGAIN; To answer that, yes, I'm doing two Secret JROCK Santa things this year,not saying who, duh. BUT, Be very priveledged! MWHAHAA, I kid. I hope everyone's having a great OCTOBERLY MONTH, I am, I think.
Yes, another thing, I'm like broke, haha, I'm waiting on my income back pay and what not but I am currently job hunting as well, the joy. ;____; Our economy is so fucked up at the minute. It;s so bad I had to go to church on monday there for free lunch, which was lovely might I add. It's terrible that it's also my twin brother and sisters' birthday tomorrow and I have nothing for them. Very sad. YET AGAIN; Eirta-kon is next month, November the 11th to 13th I think as far as I can remember; hopefully will be at that! For the weekend in Dublin, staying if I or the other half have the money really but I've been busting my ass over this since July! So I am VERY determined to go, just to get away even.
That's all I have to say for now I think, I'll update every 2-3 months at the most but look out for the halloween special and other holiday lovelies. And again; Chronic Insomnia chapter 6 or 5...I can't remember what I'm on BUT it is on it;s way!!! Actually is, I have it almost finished, when I was off sick a couple of weeks ago I wrote it, which funny enough seems to be the only time I get peace to write is when I'm dead. ANYWAYS, Thank you all for the ongoing support as usual, LOVE YOU ALL <3