As The Rain Comes

Oct 16, 2005 21:19

Sunrise, sunset
The clouds drift out in a slow tango
Swiftly, quickly

Then the rain comes

With a crack and a crash
Flash of a thunderclap
A strobe of a bright vein within this tall cloud
Foreshadowing infamy
Only to be Welcomed
By me...

And then the rain comes

Pounding the earth and broken concrete
I stand here
Watching the rain fall
The sky is taking my picture with each flash
I smile sweetly
With hope that you just might receive the thought
I am just watching all of this

Watching the world go by

There are cars traveling east
And young girls giggling as they walk out of a nearby coffee shop
Calm noise of moving traffic
A street riddled with electric stains of green and yellow

A crash, A crackling
And with it the sheets billow
Creating a mist upon the ground as it falls
Slight smoking of the warm asphalt and artificial surface
The view becomes more unclear, but ever so beautiful as it falls...
as the rain falls....

I'm still smiling

Soaking wet
Looking up
Towards a grey sky
Moving in a slow tango
I am smiling
Knowing your somewhere under the same sky
And maybe you just might
Feel the rain fall...
And kiss your face
Like it has with me

I look down again at the wet broken concrete
Mist gathering because of this hard rainfall
This is all too enjoyable

I am still smiling

Soaking wet
Sitting here
In a barren building
Lost cause for a civil place to be
Overgrown shrubs, and renegade trees
Trash scattered about to show mankind's demise

I see differently

I see it as...

Pigeons flap and fluster
Trying to hide from the showers

But I'm still here
With a smile on my face

Sitting here
on the Broken concrete and scattered earth
Watching the rain fall
Looking at the glistening blades of grass that sprout from the cracks of the grey cover
I shuffle a bit
Sitting here with a song on my mind
That is all too familiar to the both of us

The grey sky is mixing faster
Moving in a slow tango
I will it to the direction of travel
For a serenade of thunder
and a Kiss of rain...

So I send you this, Engel.

I send you my love, bottled up within a cloud
That it may shower all over you, and around you
Touch your skin with a kiss
And just maybe if you listen...
You can hear the laughter I will send with it

Smile, Liebechen.

The sky is taking your picture for me
That I may receive the thought

Sunrise, Sunset.
Clouds moving and mixing
In a slow tango
Flash, bang, thunderclap
Look up to the sky, Engel.
As the rain comes.....
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