what a night. what a party. what a gathering of all of my best friends and colleagues. MFV was truly one night to remember. it's been a half a decade now since we first started mighty fest. i was but a mere 19 years old and the first and we plan on doing this every year until we are dead. for those of you who are unfamiliar with mighty fest, even though i post about it every year in my lj, let me explain.
Mighty Fest is a celebration of vikings, food, alcohol, games and feats of strength and most importantly FUN! there is always a shit ton of food.
we always have an incredible selection of meats and cheese. this year we had lamb, ribs, pork, kangaroo, brats, and a ton of different cheeses and breads. not to mention a million potato cakes. let me tell you, that kangaroo was delicious. we have had duck and buffalo and rabbit in the past, but we like to change things up every year. so there are 6 games that everyone participates in.
we kick things off with a rock throw. we throw a big rock. whoever throws it the farthest wins.
simple enough? NO. sometimes the rock is EXTREMELY heavy. there is a new one every year. and it gets cold, and slippery and wet and you cannot wear gloves. its fun as hell though. then we had a foot race.
this is me and bony before the race. it was cold.
a nice little race where everyone ran up the street from corner to corner. it sorta sucked cause the street is only so wide and there are a lot of us runners. then we had the wall endurance which is leaning up against the wall in a sitting position, knaw mean? you do, i know everyone has done this in gym class.
well i came close to winning, but after more than 30 minutes against the wall i couldnt do it anymore. it was a blast though. then comes the arm wrestling.
this takes a while for there are many rounds to weed everyone out. its fun watching everyone drunk off their ass cheer on their friends. i didnt do so bad myself. there is a jar full of candy that sits atop of the tv that you have to guess how much is in there. that is also one of the games. we find out who wins at the end of the night. before the final game, fred and i started a tradition at last years mightyfest of singing a drinking song about mighty fest that we wrote. we handed out lyric sheets this year so everyone could sing along.
the final game is the boasting where people who have a boast get up in front of everyone and the judges, i have been a judge every year along with kevin and amanda and lauren and gina this year, and basically what you do is get up and talk about yourself to make you seem like the most awesomest person that ever lived. that is always one of my favorite parts of mighty fest and this year sure was great. usually the winners of all six games get in a big circle outside at the end and try to push each other out without using their arms and the last one left becomes thor, but since as geoff kershaw won 2 events he was automatically crowned THOR for 2008.
all the while, everyone is stuffing themselves with beer, shots with all kinds of crazy liquor you have never heard of and tons and tons of food, making MIGHTY FEST the BEST fucking party in the world. for more pictures go
HERE to check em out.
think you have what it takes to compete at mighty fest and get a chance to win THOR?! then i will see you in 2009 at mighty fest VI.
thanks to all my friends, whom i love with all my heart for concocting this outrageous party and partaking in it every year. you are thor in my hearts!
peace out!
but the best part about mighty fest was that i got to hang out, once again, with the cutest girl ever to grace a MIGHTY FEST ever.
thanks amanda for cheering me on throughout the wall sit. it meant a lot!