Jun 03, 2007 23:11
Ashlie Bubb currently has no internet because Christian is an idiot. So...Heather Pie saves the day [PS - Ashlie Bubb is wording this, not Heather Pie].
I am currently [currently is Ashlie Bubb's favorite word right now] rereading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price. I like it. A lot. Heather Pie's penis is massive, bitch. I have been living off of pretzels and smirnoff and seroquel.
Larry's birthday party didn't go as well as I hoped. There was lots of drama drama. Of course most of this drama was focused on Kiah. I have decided that I am pretty much just done with it. I know I've said that many times before but I mean it this time. I have also told her that I could care less if she stayed with me or not.
Jannah, I hope things are still okay with us. Sorry for that stupid shit. The baby is adorable and I love him. It was nice seeing you again and I hope we can hang out soon.
I'm just so sick of stupid bullshit. I wish that the past could just stay the past. I'm a different person now and I'm so glad. My balls are shiny and glow like the sun.
Pictures soon, HOPEFULLY [HINTING AT PIE]. Internet soon, hopefully.
Balls are always interesting.