Jun 13, 2004 08:08
hey um yeah I went to the mall firday night with Jess and Josh and my cousin sam. then sam slept over and we went to vermont saturday morning for tywo birthday parties. Me and my cousin and my great aunt went out on the paddle boat but we didn't get to go kiacking :0[ damn and then we slept over there at my other great aunts house who we visited in vermont and I got to play my anuts old acustic guitarrr!!! you are my sunshine!! :0p That acustic guitar was really easy compared to all of the other acustics I've played. then um we got up on sunday [today] had breakfast thne chilled and play spitand boggle with sam and ate lunch at like 2 amd then came home here. and now basiclly here I am. I guess :0/ I hear my kitten!!! I'll post later maybe.
Sorry, I had to.