*-.this thing...-*

Jul 16, 2004 16:20

||All AbouT mE|
2. Last thing you said: lateR
3. Last song you sang: iT caMe oN.. So i saNg iT... Jesus Walks- Kanye West
4. Last person you hugged: prob. katie <-- gotta love that girl lol
5. Last time you said 'I love you': doeS iT matteR anYmoRe.

6. Last time you cried: daY befoRe laSt
7. What's in your CD player: Blink 182

8.What color socks are you wearing: ReD

9. What's under your bed: a toN oF stuFF
10. What time did you wake up today: 11:29
11. Current hair: DowN
12. Current clothes: jeanS and A DC ShiRt
13. Current annoyance: .....
14. Current longing: hiM..
15. Current desktop picture: wateR falL
16. Current worry: abouT a boY
17. Current hate: NothiNg i doNt ThinK
18. Story behind your LJ username: iT waS mY AiM s/n
19. Current favorite article of clothing: i like my clothes. ...?
20. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: shaggy hair. and skaterS aRe Hott
21. Last CD that you bought: Blink 182
22. Favorite place to be: Hanging out with my friendS
23. Least favorite place: nothin really
24. Time you wake up in the morning: i dont wake up in the morning.. i wake up at 1 in the afternoon
25. If you could play an instrument: bass er drums... and be better at guitar
26. Favorite color: green.. red... pink.. black...
27. Do you believe in an afterlife: yeS.. I suRe Hope sO
28. How tall are you: 5'6" i dunno noT reallY SuRe
29. Current favorite word/saying: fricking awesome
30. Favorite book: idk
31. Favorite season: SummeR
32. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: the kiD froM DaRieN LaKe
33. Favorite day: all oF theM ..
34. Where do you want to go: A hOtt plaCe aLL yeaR LonG.. California.. Hawaii?...
35. What is your career going to be like: fricking awesome
36. How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
37. What kind of car will you have: a fricking pimped ouT onE! hah
38. Type a line you remember from any book: "my daniel"
39. A random lyric: God show me the way cause the devils tryin to break me down.. 'Jesus walk with me'
40. Nicknames: .kit cat.cat.kiwi.deeders.

||If I WeRe||
1. A month, I'd be: March, ApRil eR AuguSt
2. A day of the week, I'd be: Friday
3. A time of day, I'd be: 5:55 AM or PM.. w/e
4. A planet, I'd be: SaTuRn
5. A sea animal, I'd be: DolPhiN
6. A direction, I'd be: NoRtH
7. A piece of furniture, I'd be: LounGe ChAiR
8. A kitchen utensil, I’d be: SpatuLA! LMAO
9. A sin, I'd be:
10. A liquid, I'd be: WaTeR
11. A tree, I'd be: ChRistmaS TrEE! hah
12. A bird, I'd be: MaCaW
13. A tool, I'd be: NaiL.. lol
14. A flower, I'd be: a Rose.
15. A kind of weather: SunShiNe
16. A mythical creature, I'd be: a UNICORN! YAY
17. A musical instrument, I'd be: dRumS
18. An animal, I'd be: a doG/ PuppY
19. A color, I'd be: green
20. An emotion, I'd be:
21. A vegetable, I'd be: a CArroT!
22. A sound, I'd be: MuSic
23. An element, I'd be: Fire. thats not even an element. sike
25. A song, I'd be: Hold oN - GC
26. A movie, I'd be:
27. A book, I'd be:
28. A food, I'd be: an Apple
29. A place, I'd be: FraNce
30. A material, I'd be: SticKy
31. A taste, I'd be: a sweet-tart taste
32. A scent, I'd be: LILU <-- good stuff lol
33. A religion, I'd be: Christianity
34. A word, I'd be: scandalous.. hah i love that word
35. An object, I'd be: CaNdY
36. A body part, I'd be: an EYE
37. A facial expression I'd be: SmiLeY
38. A subject in school, I'd be: art
39. A cartoon character, I'd be: spongebob.. hes funny duur.....
40. A shape, I'd be a: a heart <3
41. A number, I'd be: 5

1. name: Catherine*
2. single or taken: SiNgle*
3. sex: FemaLe*
4. bday: March 25th*
5. siblings: 2 sisters* 2 brothers*
6. hair color: brown* lightish brown in the summer*
7. eye color: brown*

.-*-.FashioN StuFF.-*-.
1. where is your favorite place to shop: the MALL
2. any tattoos or piercings: wiSh i Did buT nO.

|| .specifics. ||
1. do you do drugs?: no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: it changes
3. what are you most scared of?: dying
4. what are you listening to right now?: a machine..aka humidifier
5. who is the last person that called you?: SkylaR
6. where do you want to get married?: California
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 23
8. if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: too bad i werent prettier..thatd be nice...

1. color: green.red.pink.black
2. pasta: angel hair
3. boy names: Angelo.Kyle.David.
4. girl names: Candi.Roxi.Lily.
5. subjects in school: aRt
6. animals: dogs.horses.
7. sports: volleYbaLL.FootbaLL.

h-a-v-e y-o-u e-v-e-r
1. given anyone a bath: my little siblings..when they were babies.
2. smoked: no
3. bungee jumped: I WANT TO! lol
4. made yourself throw up: i think once when i was sicK
5. skinny dipping: wish you knew..
6: ever been in love: yes
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yes
8. pictured your crush naked: maybay..
9. actually seen your crush naked: no
10. cried when someone died: yes
11. lied: yes
12. fallen for your best friend: no.<-- wtf.
13. been rejected: sure.
14. rejected someone: yea.
15. used someone: no
16. done something you regret: yes

l a s t .
1. Movie you rented: Duplex..(Meet the Parents 2)
2. Movie you bought: dunno.
3. Song you listened to: Jesus Walks - Kanye West
4. Song that was stuck in your head: none
5. CD you listened to: blink 182
6. Person you were thinking of: Amber because im talking to her.. lmao <-- i got you amber i really was talking to you too lol <-- gotta love that girl toO!

FoR oR AgaInSt
1. Long distance relationships: idk
2. Premarital sex: ItS uP tO YoU
3. Driving drunk: AgaInSt!..
4. Gay/lesbian relationship: for. its up to them. but i dont swing that way.
5. Soap operas: FoR
6. Abortions: AgaInSt

.f. .i. .n. .a. .l. .q. .u. .e. .s. .t. .i. .o. .n. .s.
1. do you like filling these out?: theRe KiNda LengHtY.. lol
2. how many people are you sending this to?: none.. its goInG iN my LJ
3. who will send it back?: LJ..its going in there
4. least likely to send it back?: its going in my LJ...
5. gold or silver?: SilVeR.
6. favorite cartoon?: spongebob.and jimmy neutron! hehe
7. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothing
8. who would you hate to be locked in a room with?: idk..this kid from school.
9. who would you love being locked in a room with?: haha not saying
10. could you live without your computer?: PrObAblY NoT lol
11. would you color your hair?: DepEndS
12. could you ever get off the computer?: what?that doesnt make sense..yea i get off
13. habla espanol?: Si!
14. how many people are on your buddy list?: 201..jk 200...im a retard.
15. drink alcohol?: yes i have
16. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: boTh.
17. what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: both
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