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xdiamondwings January 19 2010, 21:30:28 UTC
Alright! :D

..yeah, but it seems I got un-used to them. orz U-um, there's way too many, and I'm not entirely sure of your preference. The scanlation tag @ the Hetalia comm is always a good place to start! I can also dump some personal favorites in a .zip on mediafire, if you want. That'll take me a while though. I've actually never spent money buying doujinshi. I've been keeping my eyes out for some though. D:

Geh, just took the test and I ended up with a tie between 2 and 9. >_>;; I normally think of myself as a type four, but now that I think about it, I'm too optimistic. Urgh.

Haha, going out on a boat sounds nice. I've only done it a couple times before, despite living close to the ocean. I wish I could ramble with you, but I don't have much to talk about. ): I can nod and smile appreciatively?

Prunes are more 'juicy', maybe? I don't think I've touched dates in a while. I hope I'm remembering them correctly, lol.

Sick? Wait, I mentioned being sick? /shifty look. I actually don't get sick too often. Maybe three times a year, including allergies?


blood_corsair January 20 2010, 05:00:19 UTC
Oh, okay, thanks for the tip! I'll go look there, then. <3 Don't worry about it if it's too time-consuming. <3 I've spent... over $1000 on them, I'm sure. Probably closer to 2. -dies- WHAT WAS I THINKING? I wasn't, clearly. XD I'll probably sell a lot of them when I get back to the States. = w =

Oh, don't trust the tests. XD There are two personality things that I like - Enneagram and MBTI. With MBTI I pretty much always got the same type, so I'd trust those, but with Enneagram my type is all over the place when I take the tests. But if you read the descriptions, it's painfully obvious that I am a four. Optimism is good. <3

Well... not sick sick, but you mentioned that your stomach hated you. XD So I'm just saying that I hope that doesn't happen again. I don't usually get sick either, but I get stomachaches and headaches a lot.


xdiamondwings January 22 2010, 04:36:27 UTC
Also, wonderful anon -> here! The Translated Singles 1-7 are absolutely wonderful! <3333

Oh goodness. I envy you. /sobsob. I've been buying some artbooks recently Well, more like convincing my sister to help me buy them, lololol, so I have lots of hetalia to drool at. Doujinshi is always nice to have though. ;u; I'll keep my eyes open for a sales post! \o/

P-painfully obvious? I'm not sure of how you are irl, but you seem outgoing enough over the interwebs. D:

Oh geez, yeah. I don't get headaches too often, but I'm almost always dizzy. Maybe it's because I don't get enough sleep...? /sigh


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