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blood_corsair January 11 2010, 09:07:53 UTC


xdiamondwings January 11 2010, 23:24:57 UTC
Thank you! /////


blood_corsair January 12 2010, 01:40:20 UTC
Ah, well, you have a unique style. o w o I really like it. That last sketch of America is too cute, btw. = w = His hair always gives me trouble for some reason - IT SHOULD BE SIMPLE, THOUGH. D:

In regards to McD's... I thought it was mentioned somewhere that Arthur actually likes McDonalds? Something about British chefs protesting an attempted ban of the chain and saying that it's a good place to eat. I could definitely be wrong, though. > w >; <- noob


xdiamondwings January 12 2010, 02:16:26 UTC
Heh. I don't really call my style unique, especially considering the fact that I can't control my hand at all. It draws on its own. orz

Uhh...I don't remember anything in particular about his hair? I totally suck at drawing ahoge though. ):

Truthfully, I haven't really bothered looking too deep into Alfred's hamburger obsession. I just kind of..accepted it as a general fact. >_>;;

(A-also, we've been talking a lot. Friend? /fidgetfidget ;u;)


blood_corsair January 12 2010, 12:43:07 UTC
WELL THAT'S COOL. I wish MY hand would draw on it's own. : D And I think it's unique. = w = It doesn't look like anyone else's that I know of, anyway.

...ahoge? -puzzledface-

Pft. XD Totally understandable. Though that bastard's burger diet made me totally crave big macs for a few days. I finally caved and got one a couple days ago. |||orz <- fatty-fat-fat

( *A* R-really? <333 )

p.s. How do you make your font awesomely small like that? ;A; <- totally doesn't know how to use LJ


xdiamondwings January 12 2010, 23:21:16 UTC
Well, I'm pretty sure that someone out there has close the exact same style as me. I got mine from looking at a whole ton of drawings and picking up some bits of style here and there. :D

Ahoge → hair piece that sticks up and looks fun to poke at. >|3

Haha, it's more like how, as an American, I totally accept the fact that we're portrayed as people who stuff our faces with unhealthy food. I don't eat hamburgers too often, but they're enjoyable whenever I do. It's good to treat yourself to something occasionally! \o/ I keep a bag of candy near my desk at all times. I have a massive sweet tooth. orz

(aslkjfsd yes! ////)

There's probably an easier way to do this, but I just type: (span style="font-size: smaller;") with a (/span) at the end, replacing the parentheses with '<' and '>' respectively. ...in other words, just like the html for a normal lj entry.


blood_corsair January 13 2010, 03:54:40 UTC
Oh, well, someone probably does. = w = It's a big wide world out there. My style was birthed the same way. XD A franken-style?

Ohhh, okay, awesome. : D Now if only America's 'Nantucket' had the same fun properties as the Italys' 'sexual something'. > w >

Yeah, I totally accept that about us, too. XD In fact, I accept pretty much everything about America as how America/Americans are. XDDD Except for the author's note where Hidekaz-sensei said Americans roll around in the grass naked. > w > NOT THAT WE WOULDN'T ( or at least, not that I wouldn't ) EXCEPT THAT IT'S ILLEGAL?
I went through a phase where I ate fast food all the time. @ w @; In part because I was renting a room in someone's house and I didn't like him or the other tenant much so I didn't like using the kitchen. -sob- But I'm eating much healthier right now because I'm both broke and trying to lose weight. > w >;;;
bags of candy are vital to an artist's creative ability. we're like L. except poorer. and not as smart. but we make pretty things!

( - ( ... )


xdiamondwings January 13 2010, 04:48:19 UTC
Yes, I’m sure someone does. I would probably be really strange to meet them and compare art, haha. Sounds like fun though. N-now that I think about it, I think most people’s art is just a mixture of artwork they admire. orz

Well, canon or not, there are already many fans who do that, lol. Like, on formspring and etc.

Yeah, I guess Americans have to be more open-minded. We’ve been criticized a lot throughout the years, haha. Rolling around on the grass naked?! That sounds more like something France would do!

I’m still in high school right now, so I’m totally living off my parents. My family rarely ever goes out to eat, but my mom likes trying out new restaurants, so sometimes she drags us around. :\
I went a day without eating once, because I was distracted. Eventually my stomach just stopped feeling hungry, so I ignored it easily. That was reeeeaaally bad. The stomach ache I got after I ate something was like, the worst stomach ache I’ve ever had. orz

(/happier face *u*)

Don’t worry. I barely know any html either. I just pretend ( ... )


blood_corsair January 13 2010, 07:06:07 UTC
Yes, I think so, too. = w = It's hard not to try to emulate the styles you admire, because otherwise how will you get any better?

PFFFT, really? XD Nice.

inorite? Pervert-France. <3

Gah, really? Pretty much all the awesome people I meet seem to be younger than me these days - what does that say about my mental growth and maturity? ;A; NONEXISTANT. Anyway, I'm 21, but I'm lame and still totally living off my parents. o w o;;; What grade are you in?
Ahaha, I did that as well, a few months ago, when I was really into Tegaki. XD; I barely noticed until the next morning, when my stomach made it clear how pissed it was.


xdiamondwings January 13 2010, 07:50:39 UTC
LOL. Oh god, that reminds me of back when I was obsessed with Arina Tanemura. So many people went through that Tanemura-copy-cat phase. Sometimes I look at my past self and bury my head in shame.

I'm in 10th grade. I've been told I act older though. I'm totally immature in some points, and a bit more mature in others. Maturity is due to internet and following my sister, who's in college. I've had previous problems where people looked down at me because of my age, so I don't really like telling people when I don't have to. I don't think age should really matter so much, although I can see where those people are coming from.

Haha, my stomach is kind of strange. After like, three hours of eating a huge meal, I'm hungry again. It's kind of inconvenient at times. ):


blood_corsair January 13 2010, 09:05:34 UTC
PFT. OH GEEZ. Yeah, when I first met one of my best friends ( way back in middle school ) she totally copied Arina Tanemura as well. XDDD She's definitely developed her own style since then, though. = w =

Wow, yeah, I think you act older, too. I'm totally immature in most points. XD Also, I'm pretty sure I sound like an idiot most of the time. = w = But I feel like if I stop putting emoticons at the end of every sentence, I sound super-serious or angry, which most of the time I'm not, so... guess I'm just going to stay this way. > w >;;;

That sucks. I also think age shouldn't matter so much. I mean, it does in some cases, because people tend to change and grow a lot especially when they hit their late teens, but it's certainly no cause for people to look down on you. :\

Baw. -pokes your stomach- Make sure you always carry a snack?


xdiamondwings January 13 2010, 23:15:30 UTC
I actually still admire Tanemura. I mean, I don’t like her style (especially the face, lol) or her plots. It’s just that she’s still a really good artist. She’s been drawing for ages after all, lol. Her details are awesome. ;u;

Haha, thank you. Sometimes I think of it as a good thing, but sometimes it’s a bad thing. I don’t think you’re immature at all! (And no, you don’t sound like an idiot.) Putting emotes in the middle of a paragraph makes me feel awkward, so I generally avoid doing so. It’s more of an OCD thing. >_>;; (<- Sometimes it’s unavoidable.) I think I come off as too serious, since I don’t use too many emotes. I guess we’re reverse? ):

Yeah, although not to be sexist, I think the difference shows up more in guys. :\ If I keep up my pace, I’ll be like an old granny when I’m in my 30’s. THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO. \o/ …/sigh.

……/munches on dried fruit ;u;


blood_corsair January 14 2010, 14:48:46 UTC
Oh, I still love Tanemura. XD Including her faces and her plots. XD And yeah, so much detail. @ w @;;;;;

Well, I'm glad you don't think I sound like an idiot. : D Yaaay! \o/ ( <- never used this emote before meeting you )

Oh, yeah? I don't talk to guys much, so I don't really know. : D Sometimes I feel like an old granny - for my 21st birthday I went to a buffet and a spa. = w = So relaxing. <3

IS OLD GRANNY EATING HER PRUNES? : DDD Dried mango is delicous, though. Aaand... a zip-loc baggie of craisins and almonds is a good snack, too. o w o


xdiamondwings January 15 2010, 02:19:18 UTC
H-her eyes kind of scare me. ;u; (Also, there's like flowers loleverywhere. It's a shoujo though, so she has all rights to dump flora this way and that.)

Psh, you're too self-conscious. (/is a hypocrite) There was someone on my f-list who spammed '\o/' a lot. I can't quite remember who it was, but yeah, I totally stole it off of them. I'M SPREADING THE \o/-VIRUS LOVE, YEAH?

The split between my guy friends and girl friends is basically even, although I generally get along with guys more easily. >_>;; A buffet/spa sounds so awesome! I haven't gone to a spa in like, two years! My cousins went on a cruise over winter break. I stayed home with my computer.

.... ;__;

HEY, PRUNES ARE DELICIOUS. DON'T DISS THE PRUNES. (Truthfully, I don't like eating prunes, lol. They're kinda sweet. And squishy.) Dried mango is super awesome indeed. Everyone in my house is like, addicted. Craisins and almonds? Sounds nice. ;D


blood_corsair January 15 2010, 15:26:51 UTC
Fair enough. XD I think that's an appropriate response to seeing someone's eyes take up half their face. XDDD And yeah, flowery shit EVERYWHEEERE. Which can be nice on occasion, if that's what I feel like reading/looking at. XD I tend to prefer action/shounen, but shoujo is a must every once in a while. <3

UM UM UM I'M A FOUR? I CAN'T HELP IT. I'M ALSO TERRIBLY SELF-ABSORBED. Ahaha, yeah, I've been stealing emotes from my friends lately. SPREAD AWAY.

Ahhh, that's cool. : D I'd like to have guy friends, but it always gets awkward. Either I start liking them or they start liking me. ALWAYS. WTF. -sobsob- I was a sea scout though, and I got along fairly well with the boys in my crew. o w o They're not really friends though, since I didn't really see them outside of scouts. Crew is crew. XD

I'm glad you think it's awesome. : D I thought it was pretty awesome, too. <3 Cruises sound really cool and glamorous, though I honestly couldn't say whether I'd rather go on a cruise or stay home on the computer. XD ( ... )


xdiamondwings January 16 2010, 05:49:54 UTC
Yeah, back when I was obsessed, I didn't really notice that the faces looked scary. Everyone would always comment on the eyes, and I'd be all like, 'Eh, you get used to it.' >_>;; I don't really read too much shonen. There's the occasional series though. ...I've been reading way too much doujinshi as of the late. orz I was just scanning through my complete list, it was like, all hitman reborn/hetalia doujin.

Y-you're a four?! What?! I-I don't know what that is. ;u; I need to start using other emotes. I think I'm wearing these ones thin. /sigh

Agreed. That's the most troublesome part about guy friends. orz I'm usually not the one who starts liking guys first though, since I'm stubborn as hell. I've been liking the same guy for what, 3 1/2 years by now? Not that he needs to know that. ;D

Sea scouts?! That sounds interesting. We don't have anything like that around here. Just...boy scouts and girl scouts. I never associated with them either.

You could...GO ON A CRUISE. WITH YOUR COMPUTER. LOLOL. Oh god, what a waste of money.They ( ... )


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