(no subject)

May 18, 2010 22:22


From now till early June.

Been pretty busy recently, with finals, schoolwork, life, and all that happy jazz. I may or may not check back on the weekends, and I probably won't be commenting as much as I normally do, which isn't much at all.

There's going to be Fanime soon, which I'll hopefully be attending, so I might pop back in to post about that. I'm still not entirely sure if I'll be going or not (Also, 35 dollars at the entrance for Saturday or Sunday. I don't remember it being so expensive last year. orz). Hopefully! It's right between the last of my final projects and my final tests, l-lol.

To anyone who's already on summer break, I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves, and to anyone who still has finals/school, good luck! \o/

EDIT: Forgot to add, if anyone needs to get in contact with me, I'll be online on MSN/AIM when I can. If it's urgent, just email either of the accounts up there somewhere in my contact post.

misc; hiatus

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