Meme :D

Oct 01, 2010 00:13

Yayyy, I've been tagged. My first meme, thanks to spiralyte

Here we go:

-What song are you currently addicted to?

Ha. LIVE album. Well, it's mostly Aki no Sora, Dancin' in the Secret, and D.T.F... These songs are just get in your head. They're really hard to get out XDD... But, I'm not complaining.

-What's your favorite season?

Fall and Winter.
Here in Miami, there really isn't a definite weather. So, it can be hot, cold, humid, rainy, HUMID. Buut, when it does come to the weather being cool, I love it. Gives me the chance to wear my boots (and buy new ones). My hair would keep straight. I can wear my lovely hats. It gives me a better reason to buy some Starbucks. I wouldn't want to freeze to death, thank you very much.

-What's the latest movie you watched?

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. That movie makes me so excited. Hunting treasure, learning about the history as you go. It's just awesome. PERIOD.

-What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

Really? NEWS and Arashi. Since it's been NEWS time, mostly them. LOL.

-What's your favorite musical instrument?

The piano. I'm actually learning how to play it. Teaching myself and watching videos. I can't believe I thought it was simple. It's beats playing the guitar. The song I've accomplished is Ode to Joy. I'm progressing with my other mission, which Kiss the Rain by Yiruma. It's such a beautiful song. I only know the right hand though ^_^" ... Come to think of it, I should keep going. I've been taking a break from playing since I've been trying to finish some schoolwork.

-What web sites do you always visit when you go online?

LIVEJOURNAL. This is another addiction of mine. I can't stop logging in. When I can't, I'm going crazy because of all the things I have to get up-to-date with XP ... I also go to check my email and Youtube. Who doesn't?

What was the last thing you bought?

NEWS Pamphlet. It was a must. I want it in my hands already. Staring at those wonderful pictures and squealing at how finally NEWS is back as one.

If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?

Japan. Japan. I would say go to NEWS' concert, but it's too late for that. I can go visit the Tokyo Dome and be like: This could have been me a few hours ago -_- .. There's still Arashi :DD ... Dorks, boys who kiss boys Arashi, LOL. What an experience that would be? .. I would literally shop until I drop. Going to JE stores and coming out with arms full of amazing things. Go to restaurants and eat all I want. Yakiniku. Yakisoba. YUUUUM (making myself more hungry). The triple Y's. Just add Yamapi in there and I would be even more happy. Hmm, maybe I would just walk around and see if I could bump into an Arashi or NEWS member. That'll probably never happen, lmao,

-Favorite time of day?

The night is sleepy time. If I go out, I would just admire all the lights and pump up the volume to my speakers XP

What's the last thing that made you happy?

NEWS' album. Probably said this a whole bunch of times and trust me, I will not be getting tired of saying it.

Do you want to learn another language?

Oh yes~~~ Japanese and Italian. I can't stand not knowing what's being said. Although, I do sort of understand a little Italian. I guess it's because of the similarities it has with Spanish.

Five things you can't live without.

NEWS. Arashi. Laughs. Family. Shopping.

aya_takarai ~azuleanna ~daelite ~genta0205~genta0205   
jpoplover101 ~spilledmilk25 ~weird1230 ~yamapi85 ~yuckie_chan


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