Oh gosh.

Sep 29, 2009 20:06

Okay, so right now I am in school and I am bored as hell. Though I have been having a GOOD week. I cut my hair and gave myself, what I call it, a Rihanna hairstyle. Doesn't look bad at all.

Last Sunday I went bowling for my best friend's birthday. It was fun! We were mostly dancing and trying to throw the damn ball somewhere 'cause it became anoying. In the beginning, I totally sucked. I hadn't gone bowling in years, so I was a bit rusty. The ball kept on going to the side and that frustrated me so much. But, it began to cooperate with me later on xD

Ian Sommerhalder is love.

Anyways, NEWS will finally release the awaited concert DVD. Good thing I didn't lose any hope, if not I probably would of been crushed, thinking what kind of fan was I. I really can't wait! I don't know what to make of Yamapi's SOLO concert and single. I mean I am happy for him and all, but what is going to happen with NEWS' new material? Is there even going to be any? It has been months since their last release. On the other hand, they are pretty busy with other things. Tegoshi and Massu have their butai's. And most of them are working on dramas, so I guess they are just overworked. I hope they release something soon. I want to see what else they have on their sleeves.

Well, that's all. I have to go to class [BUMMER].



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