
Jan 20, 2008 01:05

And if  saying goodbye was as easy as people make it out to be, then i would do it in a second. I would rid of all the negative this guy has put on me. The thing is, it's soooo hard to say goodbye to the guy who whiped my tears away from the last time i was hurt. He helped me get over that person who i never thought i could get over. If everyone would only understand the way I do, and see in him what i see, then maybe everything would be easier. Maybe i wouldnt doubt my stupidity and wonder why. He is a good guy, he has his dick-head wanna kill him momments, but he is a good guy. All that matters is i like him, and I'm happy, well atleast I'm getting there. What I'm trying to say is knowone really knows how much he's helped me back on my feet, and its hard to end feelings like this. It's hard to shatter a rock that has been there for so long, holding you up, and not breaking when really it should have broke.

I just think that all my friends should know that you guys are number 1!
He'll never be put ahead of you. although me not taking your advice makes it seem like hes more important, its because i need to figure things out on my own this time. In the past I've taken your guy's advice on guys, its helped, but i still have knowone. And how can i follow advice from people who dont have perfect relationships and still stick around with their guys? not saying that everyone has a perfect relationship, im just saying that people should follow their own advice before they slap it on me. The way things are going I honestly feel good about it, i know where my head is at and i know where i want things to end up. The thing is, i know he doesnt, but hes getting there. I need to prove myself to him before he can prove himself to me, and im ready.
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