Love, love, love...

Feb 09, 2009 18:42

I finally broke down and cried.

I haven't been able to cry this entire trip. I was a mess when I got here. Completely stressed, nervous.

It only got worse as the weekend progressed. Thinking about it, that was probably the lowest point I've ever been at in my entire life. Even topping when I was popping six tylenol pm to try to get to sleep.

My mom is the most wonderful person in the entire world. She was here with me to hold my hand through the hardest time in my entire life.

I feel like the weight of the world has finally come off my shoulders, I can't even describe it. I cannot believe the love that has been expressed to me in the last week.

This has been so, so hard.

I am not proud of myself, as my mom says I should be, but much more aware of what the world around me is worth.

I love so, so, so much.

And that, my friends, above all these other things, is what makes this world worth living in.

The Beatles said it the best, and I always hated that song. I thought it was completely over rated. You don't just need love, you need a bunch of other things.


All you need is love.

And I finally believe it. I have been the luckiest human being on Earth this entire time.

Please, this Valentine's Day, tell the person you love that you do. Maybe not even Valentine's Day. Just everyday.

Please love and express that love. Through words, actions, and everything you do.

Because all you need is love.
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