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Aug 12, 2005 15:04

whoa ahhahahah this is funny. i never thought i will remember my pass or my user name for this thing. well like no time login in to. ya.

well i will say stuff that happen last nightt!! was the greated!
it was brians 18th birthday!!
when i first woke up -. allie called my celll. allie and fabs!! came!!! to my housee. we were jokin around. and they spot somthing on my ceilin. that i had no idea how it got there. when me and my parents were away. brian had a party .and a big food fight. and we had fluff stuck to our ceilin. lol. i was like whoa ok. so allie. and fabs left. they were gonna come back laterr.. than nick calls me. wantin to hang . so later on he came. than he left.. than .laterrr. allie.fabs.jimmy.donald. and robert came to my house. we were all playin ddr. haha jimmy tried with his asss it was the most funniest thing ever. yaa. everyone left. and than i had to clean. .. like. 8ish . katie. and nick came overrr we walked around st.matts. i called ronnie. to see if he wanted to hang. so. him and dom came. we were all hangin. haha it was funn. than we went to the kinky sex park dom was happy lol.. and yaa. we all went back to my house. to say happy birthday to brian.. than. we were all hangin. and next thing. i see. it allie.fabs.and rebecca comin. so we all were chillin. than donald and jimmy came.. so everyone went to st.matts to hang. it was intersting. allie and katie became friends!!! =) thanx to me.!! haha. than. grace came!!! . and than david and mario came. weveryone was hangin. 0ut. than jason. so we were all hangin. me.katie.ronnie. and dom we sittin in ronnies car just talkin. than. ronnie and dom. left!! haha!! they did a burn out. and than flew into a bush lol messed up his tire.. everyone had to run bec the cops were gonna come. than. i went back to help out ronnie and dom. they told me to go get a glass. bec his parents were comin and he didnt want to get into trouble. so i had to run my asss to my house. than i get a call from allie. sayin fabs is on the ground havin a asmama attack. i had to get waterr for her. and threw it on the ground. to go get brian. to help her out. so she dosnt pass out i had to run all the way back to the get the glasss and run my ass way over there. than i had to run all the way back to see if fabs was ok! everything was good than my mom had to come out to help her. than eveeryone came to my house.. and we all chilled. on saterday! everyone is comin back for brians 18th partyyy!!! everyone come! its at 6 or 7pm come if you wanna chill and shit. soo me and katie. have ronnie and dom!! comein. so i guess we are gonna be in my room. haha so ya. thats all for now i guess
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