Okay, seriously, this has to be the WORST Friday night EVER. NO ONE is online, and if they are then they are away. I was supposed to go to the movies with Kaitlin and a few other people, but we wouldn't have a ride home (i can't wait until i get my license). So now, since i abandoned all other plans in hopes of this one, i have NOTHING at all to do, and no one is home to plan anything with. I'll probably end up going into my room in a few minutes/hours and just play Halo. Restart the game, i suppose. But seriously, i have not 1 thing to do. DJ Shadow is awesome though. The CD Kaitlin burned me was in my CD player... ALL FUCKING DAY. It's so good though, she seriously knows how to put the right song in at the right times, and even though the task i gave her was hard to do that to, she pulled it off wonderfully. I upgraded Windows Media player today, and it can rip CDs, which is awesome. I've ripped like, 10 CDs already. Anywho, here's the tracklist of the CD that Kaitlin burned me, of the 14 she burned me, 13 are good.
1) Dimmu Borgir- Burn In Hell
2) Dimmu Borgir- Mourning Place
3) Dimmu Borgir- Puritania
4) Dimmu Borgir- Devil's Path
5) Dimmu Borgir- I Don't Know
6) Dimmu Borgir- Moonchild
7) Marilyn Manson- Slut Garden (it doesn't get a minus only because it's FUN)
8) Marilyn Manson- mOBSCENE (-)
9) Morbid Angel- Fall From Grace
10) Opeth- Benighted
11) Opeth- Bleak (omfg good)
12) Opeth- Credence
13) Opeth- Demon of the Fall
14) Opeth- Harvest
On to some better news, i'm pretty much over Shevaun. I mean, nothing is going to spark between us again, so whatever. I'm hella down with just being friends with her. Tomorrow is my birthday get together type deal. But if my mom keeps manipulating what i say i'm going to slit her throat. Here's what happened.
danny: "I have band practice tomorrow, but i'll be home around 3"
mom: "what? no you wont. 1"
danny: "I had band practice scheduled about 2 weeks ago, and 2 weeks ago we didn't have anything planned for here, tomorrow i will be home around 3."
-Danny walks off-
-Danny enters room that Dad is in-
mom: "Bill, Danny wants to discuss with you when he'll be home tomorrow."
danny: "What the fuck? No i don't, stop manipulating the things i say."
mom: "what are you talking about? I'm not manipulating anything"
danny: "you're putting words in my mouth, you've been doing it for the past 3 months"
mom: "No i haven't!"
danny: "I know, i'm just giving you an example of what you've been doing to me. It's seriously been going on for thwe past couple of weeks at least"
mom: "No, it hasn't."
danny: "Just stop talking, you're getting no where"
The entire time my Dad just sat there, and after i said that last bit my mom shut up. I rule. But yeah, tomorrow in the morning is going to be band practice, only without Jake :(. Thhhhhhhen the get together deal, IN WHICH NONE OF MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO! WTF? I hope Sam comes at least... ONE of my friends. At least i'll see CJ and Paul and Sam at practice anyways, so that's semi-good. Alrighty then, i'm out of here. Have a good night, kiddos.
PS: Shevaun, i don't mean to be harsh or anything, but seriously, you're friends shouldn't message me asking what's going on between me and you. You have my phone number, go ahead and call it.
PPS: Kaitlin lives about... 2 seconds WALKING away from me. Well, she lives on the other side of the CSD, which is about 1 block from my house. SCORE.
PPSS: Adrienne, don't take my post in Stephanie's livejournal serious, grow-up.
PPPSS: Cherry Vanilla Creme Hansen's Natural Soda has to be the BEST soda i've tasted. Reminds me of when Nehemiah was here, those were the days!
PPPSSS: I enjoy spending time with my brother. OH, AND INTERPOL.
PPPPSSS: In October, Trenton and I are going to see Modest Mouse in San Francisco, fuck yes.
PPPPSSSS: Is this getting annoying? No? Okay.
PPPPPSSSS: Is it me, or does screaming my fucking lungs out at band practice sound so good? I guess it's me.
PPPPPSSSSS: Dude, Kaitlin is SO FUCKING CUTE. OMG! In fact, i think i'm going to find a picture of her, RIGHT NOW, and post it with this entry.
Yeah, wow. I think she's so beautiful.
PPPPPPSSSSSS: I get to see Kaitlin everyday.
PPPPPPPSSSSSS: No, we are not going out.
PPPPPPPSSSSSSS: She just got out of a relationship about... 2 days ago.
PPPPPPPPSSSSSSS: We're not going to rush anything, at least i hope not.
PPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS: K, i'm done. Bye bye.