Warning: This entry is not organized.

Mar 26, 2008 10:12

After the realization that I had not visited this site for roughly under a year, I decided to check out my LJ. It's odd reading all my old entries. I feel like I've grown a lot. Reading these brought back a lot of memories and emotions. I started to remember situations I had completely forgotten about and moved on from.

A couple days ago I went to Bass Lake/ Oakhurst to visit with my grandma like I always do for Easter. I went up with my mother and brother and stayed at World Mark, so it was boring as fuck. I mean, I love them to death. There was just nothing to do. Finally Logan came up with Chris, so I had some one to hang out with. We played Guitar Hero the majority of the time, and when we weren't doing that, we were spying on our neighbors.

This trip reminded me that I have a staring problem.

Easter was weird. I woke up to Logan and Chris walking in the door with their luggage (I had slept on the couch). The Easter Bunny hadn't come for my brother. I feel bad about that. My mom isn't poor anymore. She can afford unnecessary luxuries for herself, I'm sure she could afford to get my brother something for Easter.
We went to an Easter egg hunt in some Bass Lake village. There was a ten and up group, which Logan and I participated in. We'd been coming there for about ten years, so they said we were celebrities there. They had me talk to the 10+ children about how the hunt works, even though they obviously already knew because of their age. I said something along the lines of "I know I shouldn't encourage pushing, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I mean, it's all about the candy. Forget winning the prizes." This little girl who appeared to be about eleven told me, "No, it's about having fun." I told her she was right, and pointed out her colossal planting pot that she was going to use to collect eggs. "My mom's a photographer." Okay, cool. I don't care that your mom's a photographer. I care that you said it's about having fun when you're lying to yourself because you want the most candy.
No, I don't care that she looked eleven.
I don't care that I'm almost seventeen and participated in an Easter egg hunt for little children. There were two adults who did it as well.
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