i got bored

Dec 19, 2004 21:00

Fill it out.

What Would You do if...
I cried:
I asked you to help:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:
I did something that you could never forgive me for:

What Do You Think Of My...
Choice of music:

Would You...
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Have Sex with me:
Ditch me:
Use me:
Date me:
Rape me:
Beat me up:

F . I . R . S . T . S
First best friend: Tina
First car:
First crush: Brian
First self-purchased CD:Blink
First funeral: none
First pet: peter
First piercing/tattoo: ear
First credit card: none
First enemy:kelly milsted

L . A . S . T . S
Last cigarette: never
Last car ride:home from mall with gera
Last good cry:crys are never good
Last library book checked out: i dont read.
Last movie seen:
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: chicken
Last phone call: Gera
Last CD played: the used
Last disappointment: um..almost not being able to go to Geras show

F . u . t . u . r . e
Where do you want to go?:hehehe wouldnt you like to know
Your career going to be?: i have no idea
Where are you going to live?: california/florida
Do you want any kids?: yea

C . U . R . R . E . N . T . S
Current mood:happy
Current crush: Gera
Current clothes: pants..sweater
Current longing: gera
Current favorite artist: Blink
Current book you're reading: of mice and men
Current time-wasting wish: huh?
Current Word: finn
W . H . A . T . S
What's in your CD player?:saves the day
What color socks are you wearing?: orange
What color of underwear are you wearing:blue
What's under your bed?: guitar case
What time did you wake up today?:11*00
Twelve People I Enjoy The Company Of (in no particular order lol):
1. Gera
2. Alica
3. Dad
4. Jacob
5. Dougy
6. Chris
7. LeeLee
8. Steph
9. Janet
10. Hank
11. Wojo
12. Garrett

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Gera lol
2. fly
3. dont know

Seven Things On My Mind:
1. Gera
2. school
3. grades
4. cali
5. cold
6. tired
7. laundry

five things that annoy you:
1. kelly
2. labeling
3. loud screams
4. poking
5. dont know

Five Things I Do Everyday:
1. sleep
2. shower
3. eat
4. drank
5. clean

Four Songs On My Mind:
1. take it away
2. dirty glass
3. apple shampoo
4. basketcase

Two Of My Favorite Foods:
1. pizza
2. icecream
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