Aug 21, 2006 19:11
so. my friends page doesn't seem to be working. the only friends entry it will show is one from shantelle from a couple weeks ago. but nothing else. that's how it's been for the last week or so. anyone else having any issues? fuck livejournal.
anywho. first day at the new job today. oh btw, if i haven't mentioned yet, i'm a hostess at Chinooks (same owners as Anthony's). didn't get the right shoes i guess. ouch. blisters. i'm going to need another part time or full time job in addition to this one. yay. but oh well. at least it's not burger king. that's pretty much how i'm going to look at every shitty job i come across now. kay well time to go eat a reeses and watch a movie. leave me a comment or something. comments are nice. might help my fucking crazy bipolarness lately. well. wont help it. would be nice though. kaybye.