Um, I'm not thinking I'm going to be going to breastfest because I have to work till like 10 or 10:30 that night and there's no way anyone else can work that shift since they dont have enough staff right now. If you want to go though it's at studio 7 on saturday probably around 7pm. Umm. Yeah everything's ok. I assume you've talked to michael. Things just changed. He's just like my best friend. I'm just worried about him though. How's he doing?
he is fine i guess. i talked to him for a little bit the other day and he told me what happend. why are you worried about him? he seemed fine to me on the phone, but then again i should probably call him again to see how he is doing.
lol Why am I worried about him? We're still friends and I still really care about him. I dont want him to feel like shit, but I guess it's my fault he does. I'm glad he's taking it well though. I saw him today and he seemed okay, but still not at the same time. Anywho, I hope you guys have fun this weekend. Aren't you guys supposed to be going on a surf trip this weekend or something?
yeah we were supposed to go on a surf trip this weekend, but none of us have any money, and tiffanie doesnt want to go so that leaves me fucked and i dont really think she cares....but whatever, but yeah dude, he is doing fine, he isnt gonna go kill himself or start doing more drugs...and if he does ill be sure to slap the hell outta him, hahah, anyways, i hope that we can still hang out after everything settles down...i dunno, just a thought.
Yeah I know he's not gonna kill himself, and I'm glad he's not doing more drugs, dont let him be stupid though and buy a bunch of pot while he's down there this weekend. lol. Yeah we can hang out still, Michael and I are probably gonna hang out once in a while later on also. It would just be too hard for him now though. But umm, yeah we'll hang out sometime. I'll bring kari down there with me or something.
cool dude, yeah he apparently already bought an eighth yesterday i think. so he isnt gonna be buyin any down here i dont think. the story on how i got fired is a pretty long one...well not really..its a long one to type, but its all good. next time i see you ill tell you what happend. anyways, it would be awesome for us to hang out, you can bring whoever you want to.
wow. i hope he didn't spend the last of his money on that. hmm. oh well. not really my problem anymore. I do worry about him though. but whatever. I'll talk to him later I imagine.
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